chapter 8

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The day was slightly rainy but she didn't care she's with him. He wore a smile which melts her heart every time it appears. J" you hungry? ". K" kinda ". He ran his finger under her chin. Off they went to the light house for a boat ride on the river. This was gonna win her for sure. He had plans. Big plans.

The car pulled up to the dock and he came around and stood by her door and held out his hand. K" what a gentlemen ". J" at your service my New York beauty ". She grinned. The boat was huge it was no ordinary type of vessel. It was more like house on the water. She was impressed for sure. J" after you ". She stepped on and he followed. Within minutes they were off. He took a glass of vodka and handed one to her. They clinked classes and sat back to enjoy the ride.

J" what's your biggest dreams in life? ". K" that's deep let's see, I would like to start my own fashion line and do makeup on the side. I think that's it right there and maybe get a house in Paris and then live my life in style ". He grinned and said " you already have a lot if style that's why im attracted to you. You drew me in and I feel like you and I match up well. You live for the fast life and don't care what people think. Neither do I so I wanna ask you something ". She leaned her body against his and he tilted her head back to look at him. K" what's on your mind babe". He just said what was in his mind. J" I wanna know if you would like to move in with me? ". She was floored, but nervous. It was so soon. She was not one to jump the gun and make snap decisions, but hey he was worth it. So she jumped in heart first. K" ok ". He laughed and felt so happy and relieved. J" that's so amazing, its gonna be great we will be closer and you can come see LA ". K" I've always wanted to go there since I was younger ". J" I can't wait to take you hone with me ". They kissed and enjoyed the rest of the ride.

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