chapter 16

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Hour later,  I redressed and headed out.   The office was huge and very well run I must say , my nerves were wrecked and I was gonna nail this no matter what.  The receptionist was sweet, very inviting and warm.  She handed me some coffee,  the room was very hippie like.  Waterfall and sooting music played.   She called my name and led me to a big well furnished office.  I stood there in the back of the room and a man turned around and looked at me go up and came to shake my hand.  Him" I'm Mr Lewis ,  you must be Julie? ". Me" yes I'm Julie its nice to meet you. I have hears and read such great things about your magazine. Working for you wood be a dream come true. ".  He smiled and put his hand on my lower back and I sat down at his desk.    He glanced over my portfolio, he was impressed.  High hopes still I kept positive.  

Half hour later,  he pulled out a piece of paper and handed it to me.  Mr.Lewis" welcome to the company,  these are your first assignments,  I will need theses finished by next week ".  Me" oh my god thank you I won't let you down,  thank you so much ".   Mr" your welcome see you soon ".  

I drove straight home and couldn't wait to tell him.  I smelled food mmmmm he's cooking again.  He knew his way aound the kitchen. I ran inside and yelled out " I got the job ".   He swooped me up and said" I knew you would ".    Me" I have my first assignment this week, I have to leave tomorrow ".    S" tomorrow? Its my birthday tomorrow ".  Oh god I forgot,  how can I forgot about that?  Me" I'm sorry baby. Oh god um......".   S" don't worry about I will just go out with Jared and some friends. Its cool "   He set me down and grabbed his soup walking over to the couch.   I didn't know how to make this right.  My dream had finally come true and now I had upset him.  I walked behind him and kissed his neck.  Me" I'm sorry ".   S" its fine ". I tilted his chin back so he was looking at me.  Me" come with me ".   S" where upstairs? ".   Me" no come with me to Africa ".     He gave me an odd look and said " Africa?  Why Africa "  I laughed at the way he said it,  he was so adorable.  I kissed his nose and smiled.  Me" say that again ".   He held his hands on my face and said " affffffffriccaaaaaaa". I nibbled on his lip and laughed.    Me" its my gift to you".    I handed him a ticket and said " happy birthday baby".     He smiled so big and pulled me over the couch and squeezed the air out of me.  S" I love you thank you ".   Me" love you more my bear ".    I kissed him and was now even more excited to go to Africa.  He was coming with me.

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