chapter 4

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Kim's P.O.V

I rush back to the house I'm staying in for the day and change and shower. He is such a charm, not the usual NY guys. Brawns, loud mouth showoffs. He was very reserved and quiet, very much a gentleman. Those eyes oh my! The ocean would be jealous as well as the sky. I grabbed the towel to wrap around my hair and gathering my straiten iron hot oil and coconut hair leave in conditioner. I rubbed lotion all over me head to toe and picked out my sexiest pair of panties, hey you never know what the night could lead to right?

Not that was that type of chick. Ooooooh no I had class and not gonna change that for no man. A little tease never hurt. Anyways I rubbed my body down with coconut oil and threw on my bra and black dress. Mid length heels and sat down to straiten my hair.

Me" this man is like the ones you see in movies, he so hot yet very educated ". Julie " well what are you waiting for go get em girl!". She laughed and said " you know I would but..... I'm kinda hooked up to my straightening iron soo". She was quite and I contained talking. The more we did the more I was excited for this fate to happen.

Finally out the door sprits on some channel perfume and I closed the door. My stomach had butterflies and my pulse was racing. What if he took off? No quit thinking negative Kimberly! I pull in the lot and turn off my car. He's there, standing by his car and sees me. His eyes light up and he smiled. Annnnnnnd there goes my heart again. Him " well hello again, I'm happy you made it back ". Me" I woukdnt wanna miss this ". He came closer to me and said " you never told me your name ". Oh crap I didn't? Hmmm that's not me. But fuck looking in them eyes could make you forgot to breathe so. Me" Kimberly or Kim ". Him " Jared, pleasures all mine you look ravishing ". I felt my cheeks burn.

He held my hand in his, wow his fingers are long. Mind in gutter, couldn't resist! He takes me to the back of a beach side restaurant and I can see he's a romantic. Its set up like a little Italian cafe. He pulled out my chair as I took in the ocean views I still couldn't get over where I stared from and where I am now. I sat down and felt my phone go off I sileneced it so we could get to know each other better.

J" so what do you wanna do in distant future what are you dreams your hopes your fears? ". Apparently, I was on a date with Dr. Phill. But I obliged, he wanted to know me, the real me. Not just me naked. Which I appreciate. Me" I dream to own a fashion conapmy or be part of the wild world of Paris fashions. I will make that happen just you watch. My fears..... Hmmmm being bored. My hopes? That I have a good life, never run out of vodka and I'm never broke. ". I took a note of my salad and it was his turn.

J" my dreams, let's see I want to make films, make art, make love. You know the simple things in life. I'm easy to please..... Well except the bedroom. I'm....... Um so anyways my fears? I have a fear of losing control of my life. Hopes, to find my soul mate, have a family and be happy. Make someone else happy. ". Silence was upon us and I was ok with it. He shared back at me and I lost my breath in those eyes.

He lifted up over the table and lured my chin with his finger and kissed me with the softest lips I've ever tasted. My head was in an another realm. As he pulled away, he stared in my soul and said " I couldn't wait to do that I hope it doesn't scare you off ". Me " no.....not at all ". Blushing, he smiles and kisses me again. The night is young and it feels like everything else has disappeared except for us. Hes like a dream to me I still don't know if he's real. It feels amazing.

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