chapter 5

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Finally I'm by myself I can breathe and it was quiet again. I loved my family but I needed peace for a bit. A drink was in order, something not to strong. I parked my car at the hotel and caught a cab to town. There was a local bar I used to go to when I was in college. I was a bad girl with a naughty side. Hell I didn't care. Back then nothing mattered but my drinking and being a wild child. To many men came and went through my door. I was careful but once I called it to close for comfort. I knew something was different with my body. I could feel it. I wasn't ready for a child though. School was about to begin again and I wasn't rich either. A child is expensive. And the guy I was with? Hell he was married. I didn't know until it was to late. He promised me the world, gave me love and happiness. However I had no clue, when he said he was going to work, he was really going home to his family. I felt dirty and broken when I found out this other life he had hid from me. I was lost after that. We stopped talking, I couldn't move on.

Flash forward to today, I'm a single girl searching for myself, who I was. Even now, I hadn't figured it out. The bartender handed me my " forget life in an glass " type of drink. God it was good to not to strong but oh so yummy. The door opened and I didn't think to look back. That was until...... " yea let me get a beer please and uh....well hello there ". I didn't think he was talking to me. Him" what are you drinking? ". Oh he is talking to me! I looked to my right and oh my god! Intense enthralling eyes, the seductive type of man. I felt like I was being taken over by the sexual energy he was exuding from all over his body. Me" its cherry vanilla vodka ". Him " auh you like the sweet stuff huh? ". Me" yes, hows that beer?". Him" wanna try it? ". Me" yea that's ok ". I felt like I was boring him, he took over my mind and again I couldn't talk! I looked away he smiled. Him " I'm Shannon ". Me" Julie nice to meet you Shannon ". He extended his hand and I shook it, he pulled into his and held it.

I could hear him talking, I just couldn't think of what to say back . I've never met someone so intense. His hand touched my shoulder and I flinched. S" you ok there? ". Me" yea......yes I'm ok ". S" just making sure ". His hand carress my face and I closed my eyes. S" where are you headed after you leave here? ". Me" to my hotel room...... Why? ". I got lost in his touch, so gentle with those big hands. S" I wanna see you again ". Me" ok.....but I have to leave Louisiana in two days to head to New York ". S" I wanna come with you ". I was thrown back, he just met me. He had no idea of who I was. What if he got to know me and found out all my dark skeletons and left me like all the rest. Me" maybe that's not a good idea ". S" im sorry, maybe I'm coming on to strong ". Me" no no! Its not that ". S" how about we can just have coffee tomorrow, I will pick you up and take it from there? Sound ok? ". Me" yes. I'm there, it was nice to meet you here's my address and my number ". He leaned over me and I could feel his breathe on my skin. My hair stood up and he didn't even have to touch me to light my skin on fire. He stuffed it in his back pocket and pulled me into a hug. Me " See you tomorrow ". He kissed my cheek and smiled looking in my eyes. God them lips called to be tasted. But not now, too soon. We both left out together and he turned to walk to his car when he looked over his shoulder to see that I hadn't left yet. I phones the cab company. Hour wait! Oh man! S"how are you getting home? Please don't say walking ". Me" no, cab but its gonna be awhile". S" mind if I take you home? ". Oh my what a gentleman. Me" sure, thank you its not out of your way? ". S" nothing for you is out of my way ". He took my hand and opened my door and let me inside. He got in and off we went. For some reason I trusted him completely. He wasn't out to hurt me.

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