Chapter 7

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Back in the Hamptons, Kim was getting ready to leave back to New York. Jared had just stepped out of the shower and was in awe of her moving around. He could hear her moving things and laughed to himself. He wanted a taste of her badly. But they had still just met each other and it was to soon. K" do you wanna go to lunch maybe? ". On the other line he grabbed a shirt and pants to put on and laid them on the bed.

J " sure you pick? ". K" sushi? ". J' can't vegan ". K" oh yea forgot um you pick then ". She sat on the bed and ran her finger through her bangs and smiled as she heard him Humming to himself. His voice was soothing and so rhythmic to her heart. She could listen to him all day. J" how about this great place in downtown Manhattan". She thought she has just heard him say Manhattan? What was he thinking? J" you there? ". K" yea I thought you had a job to do today so...... ". J" I canceled I wanna spend time and get to know you better, is that wrong of me? '. K" well no but I have a meeting at 2 so I wouldn't have a lot of time I don't wanna feel like we have to rush?". He laughed and said " then cancel it play hokie with me one day. Feel free and not be so changed down to work all the time. In fact how about we go to Maine for lunch? ". K" Maine? Why?"

He sat down and pulled on his socks and buttoned up his shirt throwing on a black fedora hat. J" one thing a lot of people don't know about me is that I hate routine. I fear it! Its death to me. I want to go see the light houses and have lunch with you on the shores of Maine. Is that such an bad idea? Cmon you will have a blast, trust me ". She hesitated and then though he's right! One day won't be to much to ask just need to think of a reason to get out of the meeting. Ah! I got it! J" you in or what? ". K" im in! I will meet you at the airport in half hour. ". J' I have a better idea, I have a private plane waiting for us. Meet me at my room in 10 ". He was so spur of the moment and it excited her soul, she felt so alive and knew he was something special right then.

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