True Love: Hephdiote

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Hephaestus and Aphrodite One-shot

Aphrodite is aching. Both inside and outside. After the war with Gaea, lots of people lost their loved ones. She feels all the pain they felt. The only one that can comfort her is her true love. The one she shoves away. Now she knows it, is too late.

Her true love is Hephaestus and she loves him. Aphrodite has no idea why she pushes him away. A few months ago, Hephaestus divorces her after finding her and Ares cheating on him in his bedroom. He also caught them in his golden net again. Telling her that she doesn't have to cheat on him anymore. She could be out openly with his brother Ares. She never left her palace on Olympus once after that there is no council meeting.

The truth is, she doesn't like Ares. He is just a tool she used. She dumped him after Hephaestus divorces her. Now here she is, sitting alone in her bedroom, crying for her true love.

Warm arms encased around her. The only one who understands her feeling, her daughter. More specifically, the only daughter she and Hephaestus have when they are first married. He never knew that. Just thought that she is another one of her daughter with Ares.

"You okay mom," Silena asked her mom as she pulled her blonde hair behind her ears. She looks like her mom but has skills like her dad. She always knew him, wanting to have a father and daughter relationship with him, wanting to have a pleasant family. But her dad never knew. Misunderstanding her for a child of her mom and that stupid God of War Ares. Now her dream of becoming a family is ruined. Dad divorces mom and she is now crying about it. She knows that the only people who can comfort her are herself and dad. Dad never did because he didn't know mom actually love him.

"I'm okay Silena," Aphrodite told her daughter.

"Then why are you crying?" She asked her mom in a soothing voice.

"I'm not," Aphrodite try to tell her daughter and putting on a confident face for her. But the truth is, she is hurting a lot. Many of the heartbreaks she felts make her weak. But then a divorce? She feels like she is fading. Silena wipes a teardrop from her face and shows it to her. "I miss him Silena, I really do."

Aphrodite cried into her daughter's shoulder once more. "I know you care mom, but why do you push him away?"

"I don't know," Aphrodite cried out. "Maybe... I just don't know." She sobbed her heart out. Than lightning flash in the sky, signaling a council meeting.

"Should I come with you?" Silena asked. Aphrodite knows she shouldn't bring Silena with her. Not many people know about her. No Olympian knows about her except for her, Ares, and Hephaestus. Silena usually stays in the mortal world. But she really needs her. She debated with herself for a while and she will probably be late for the council meeting but she doesn't care. "Sure," Aphrodite finally said. They flashed to the meeting.

The Olympian is getting tired of waiting for Aphrodite. Hephaestus is feeling kind of guilty though. Zeus was about to ask Hermes to go get her when Aphrodite flashed in with red eyes and a girl was next to her. All the boys stare at her. Hephaestus gave her a dirty look and Ares shouted:" That's my daughter Silena!"

Silena glared at Ares. "I am definitely not your daughter," she spat at him. "My father is way better than you."

At the word father, Aphrodite burst out crying. Everyone just stares at her in shock. No one has seen her cry openly before. With one last glare at Ares, Silena went to comfort her mother. "Mom is okay," Silena said in a gentle voice again. "He will come back to you... maybe...I think he will."

"So you are just crying because you lost one of the men you bed with," Hera huffed. "And what is your demigod child doing here?"

Silena glared at the Queen of the Gods. "I am most definitely not a demigod." She receives a bunch of confusing looks.

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