Modern AU

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So a quick explanation about this short story!! So this is obviously taking in modern times, but everything is like the same if that makes sense?? So it's like Star Wars but in the real world??

Anakin rolls his window down, closing his eyes. A smile grows on his face as the wind blows through his hair. It's a peaceful summer day. Well, it would be peaceful if Ahsoka wasn't coughing in the back seat.

"Anakin, will you close your window?" She asks, screaming over the loud wind blowing into the car. She knows that he isn't very sensitive to others sometimes, but can't he at least think about her? "I can hardly breathe back here!"

He rolls his eyes as he closes the window. He looks back at Ahsoka, who is glaring at him. "Sorry. I didn't know you were so sensitive to air." He says.

Instead of arguing with him, she changes the subject. They could go at it for hours if they really wanted to, but she isn't in the mood. "Where are we going, Master Obi-Wan?" She asks.

"We are supposed to drop off these supplies at the women's shelter in Springfield." He answers, looking at her through the rearview mirror. Usually, he takes these types of trips alone. He enjoys the quiet rides and the view of nature. Anakin and Ahsoka don't appreciate it as much as him.

"That's it?" Anakin asks. "I don't see why Ahsoka and I had to be dragged along then." He huffs, sinking in his seat. He was going to spend the day with Padmé but Obi-Wan instead he tagged along. Now he is really regretting joining them.

"I thought it would be nice to get out of the Temple." He fires back, side eying Anakin. He doesn't know why Anakin is so upset. Sure, this isn't the most exciting thing to do, but it isn't worth getting angry about. "I know how you get if you don't leave occasionally."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Anakin glares, scrunching his nose.

Obi-Wan shrugs his shoulder. "Nothing. I just know that you don't like being cooped up in the Temple. I like to give you every chance possible to escape for a while. Even if it's just for a supply run."

Anakin lets his guard down, softly nodding his head in agreement. Obi-Wan has a point. He can tend to get a bit cranky if he doesn't get out of the Temple occasionally. Kind of like at the moment.

"Well, I think this will be fun. I've been wanting to take a road trip." Ahsoka pipes up, sticking her head between the two of them. She either gets stuck at the Temple or tags along with Anakin on semi-sensitive missions. It's not often the three of them get to be together anymore.

"I'm glad you liked my idea. Besides, we haven't had much time to be together. I've been busy with council meetings and you two have been working endlessly on your studies. How have those been going anyways?" Obi-Wan asks, happy that Ahsoka shares his excitement about the trip. If Anakin was going to be sour, he was going to keep the conversation up with Ahsoka.

"Pretty good. I've been practicing my skills with the Force. You know, lifting items and stuff. I've been getting really good at Force pushing Anakin." She smirks, looking at him.

"It was a one-time thing, Snips." He says though it's clear that neither Obi-Wan or Ahsoka believe him. "I'm not gonna let it happen again."

"Sure, Skyguy." She replies, shrugging her shoulder. She leans back into her seat, glancing out the window. Green hills roll in the distance and birds fly high above. It seems like everyone is enjoying this beautiful day.

"Ugh, what is this? This is terrible road trip music." Anakin grumbles as he messes with the radio.

"That was Fleetwood Mac and I was listening to it for your information." Obi-Wan sighs as he watches Anakin. Though he would rather listen to what was on, he lets Anakin pick the music. If it keeps him happy then there's no need to argue.

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