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Ezra shuffles between the crates, trying to find the medical supplies. It's only Hera, Ezra, Chopper, and little Jacen today. Though he's hardly beginning to tottle, he loves riding in the Ghost and being on the missions.

Since Jacen's birth, they've taken a lot less dangerous missions. They're usually just supply runs or of that nature. Everyone agrees that there's no need to endanger the small child, especially when the rebellion has grown so much in the past year. It helps that the Death Star has been destroyed, showing a weakness in the Empire.

Chopper grunts urgently, getting Ezra's attention. "Yes, Chop. I know that the crates are here. Hera said that the information was reliable." Ezra answers, looking down at the astromech. Chopper grunts something back, but Ezra ignores him. He wants to complete this mission as fast as possible.

"There," Ezra says, pointing across the room. "Now we just need a distraction to get rid of the stormtroopers."

But neither of them can come up with a plan. A loud bang gathers their attention and the stormtroopers'. Three people and a Wookie come bursting out of the door. "Luke, get the crates!"

"Got it!" The shortest one answers, running towards Ezra's crates.

"Hey!" Ezra shouts, running through the crossfire and beating his opponent to the crates. "I'll be taking this." He smirks before pulling it away.

"Hey!" Luke exclaims, chasing after Ezra. Chopper lets out a taunting laughing, following close behind Ezra. Suddenly, he slams into Ezra's legs. He lets out a confused grunt and looks up to see the Wookie blocking their path.

"Get out of my way!" Ezra yells, trying to move around the Wookie. But he just laughs, towering over him.

"Take it from him, Chewie!" Luke says, catching up to them.

"Stop them, Chop!" Ezra exclaims. Chopper jumps forward, trying to shock the Wookie. While he's distracted, Ezra begins to pull the crate towards the exit. Before he can get far, Luke hops in front of him.

"You're not going anywhere with that." He says, grabbing it. They both begin to tug at the crate, trying to pull it in different directions. Ezra knows that he can easily use the Force and push the kid away, but he's been working on solving his problems without the Force. He doesn't want to put a bigger target on his back and drag the team down.

"I need this. It's for something much bigger than us." Ezra says, trying not to give everything away. He doesn't want these strangers to know that they're for the Rebellion. After all, he doesn't know anything about them. They could be pirates or smugglers. He can't risk their safety for a crate of medical supplies.

"No. I need this crate. So just let go." Luke argues, trying to pull it away.

Then both of them suddenly freeze with chills running up their spines. They feel cold. They feel anger. They feel intense hate. They make eye contact, mirroring a similar fear. They both know that they're in a much bigger problem than losing a medical crate.

"Spectre-2, you need to get out of here." Ezra quickly says into his comlink.

"Spectre-6, what's happened? Are you okay?" Hera immediately asks. He watches as Luke takes the crate and bolts towards his exit.

"He's here, Spectre-2. You need to leave now!" Ezra urges as he rushes after Luke. The two of them catch the attention of Chewie and Chopper, who stop what they're doing and chase after them.

"Spectre-6, we will wait for you and Spectre-3."

"No. We have a ride. Leave now before it's too late." Ezra says as he follows Luke onto the ship. Though Chopper and Ezra are not a part of this crew, neither Luke nor Chewie say anything when they come aboard.

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