Chapter XI - Explain Yourself

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"I kinda want to fight like we used to

To make it alright like we used to

Anything, 'cause I didn't want to lose you."


Olivia O'Brien


Chapter XI - Explain Yourself


With no destination in mind, I ran through the halls of the castle, my feet automatically leading me to the person I needed to talk to most

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With no destination in mind, I ran through the halls of the castle, my feet automatically leading me to the person I needed to talk to most.

"Can we go for a ride? Like old times?" I questioned, swinging through the door.

Ben smirked happily. Leaving whatever work he was doing.

Within minutes, we had descended all the stairs, run through the courtyard and were off into the western wood. The sun was out, yet it didn't shine as brightly. Autumn was ending, and soon the worries that rolled through with every winter would be on the people's minds. I had to admit, waking up and seeing ice and snow reminded me heavily of my mother too. We had grown up with white-covered woods. Even in the little time, I was allowed outside, the snow was just a reminder of all the control my mother had over me.

Riding on Ben's back brought peace. The wind brushing past me felt refreshing. My head needed space, leading us to a grassed alcove beside a river. I leaned against a tree, flicking my dagger up by the blade, to let it flip once and I could grab the handle. Ben silently watches for a time.

"Do you want to talk about it?" He asks hopefully.

I shake my head, "Not really."

I take it upon myself to settle into a different topic. "Did you ever think we would be here? Like leading Narnia from the other side?"

"I don't know. You know I never believed in the prophecy stuff, but I like to imagine that eventually, you would have been leading." He tells me, making me turn to face him, searching for any sarcasm in his statement but there was none, "I mean, eventually, your mother would have died, making you queen I also like to believe that you would have run Narnia differently. It may have taken time but you would have ended the winter."

I sighed, thinking it over myself before he continued, "She was a nasty bitch. I imagined you would learn from her cruelty and break the cycle. I hated the fighting, I always have. It took my whole family from me before I could know them. So no, I didn't see the Pevensies as rulers, I saw you. And I know you don't want your bloodline on the throne, but that doesn't mean that you weren't meant for it."

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