Chapter 23: Love is___

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11 years ago

Ricky laid in bed with Kat watching the game. She rolled over on her phone. Ricky rather be somewhere else than with her. The relationship was quickly fading before it even started. He got from out the bed putting on his basketball shorts. "Where are you going? She asked. "Out," he said. "Figures" she rolled her eyes slouching in the bed. "Why don't you make yourself useful and clean up in here a little, it's cluttered with all your makeup," he said.

"You know Ricky; we can call it quits. I can go back home to Connecticut with my family. All you have to do is be a man and communicate with me" she pouted. "We're fine Kat, you're overacting. I got some shit to handle, wear that sexy shit I like when I get back" he said licked his lips. She didn't say anything she just looked at him disappointed. "You ain't going nowhere, talking bout some Connecticut what's in Connecticut?" he laughed caressing her chin. She rolled her eyes "You're such an ass" she said. "So.. I love you though," he said pulling her in for a kiss. "Mmhm, let me get out of here before I snatch your clothes off," he said.

"Ricky I'll leave you," she said. "Yeah okay," he smirked before leaving the room. He left their Miami condo making his way to his parent's home.


Dreux was in his old room at his parent's house. His apartment flooded so he's been there for a few days. He rolled his eyes hearing Grant play Marvin Gaye trying to serenade his momma. "Come here Monica, let me love on ya" he said. "Eww old ass" Dreux said dialing Mia. He's been talking to Mia consistently since he met her at the club. He was really intrigued by her because she wasn't giving him any play. She just didn't care and it made him more interested day by day. He grabbed a blunt sparking it. Waiting for her to answer. "H-hello" she answered unamused

"Wassup Mia" he said. "Hey Dreux, how are you? She asked. "I'm good you know kickin it with my family for a bit. How are you? I haven't heard from you thought I check on you" he said

"I've been a little busy, you know how it goes" she said. "You're so mean" he laughed. "How? She asked

"You just keep it playa, you act just like a nigga" he said. "Because I don't really know you like that, I'm not overextending myself to you niggas" she said. "Damn, I feel you-

"You should, plus I know how you and your brothers roll. Dogging women out in a heartbeat, I don't think I want any parts" he said

"Slow down Judge Judy, you judging me and you don't even know me. I took you out on a date and I thought shit was cool" he said

"It was; it was a great date. I really enjoyed myself, I just have my doubts" she said.

"Shit, I have my doubts about you too" I said. "I don't care" she said. Dreux silently laughed Mia was a challenge for sure. "Well if you claim I'm such a dog why you fucking with me? Why'd you answer when I called? Since you're so self righteous-

"Because I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt" she said.

"You just said you don't want any parts, now you talking in circles baby" he said. She got quiet "Oh you quiet as mouse now" I said

"I said I think I don't want any parts but carry on.... You're interesting enough" she said. "Same thing, what you lying? Scared to hurt my feelings. You don't have to do all that just keep it a buck" I said

"Let's just say I'm keeping an eye on you" she said.

"Sure, I want to take you out this weekend? I already know the spot" I said

"Why? Why do you like me so much? She asked.

"Why you questioning it? I asked. "Because I just feel like you're running game" she said.

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