dear, na jaemin

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dear jaemin,
i've liked you since year 6, because of your confidence and kindness.

in primary, everyone knew you because you were in the music club. you'd play the piano and sing in front of the whole school at events and assemblies every friday. when people asked you how you felt before performing, not once did you say you felt nervous or anxious - you always felt confident and excited.

one day, you decided to play soccer with your friends on the big field. you looked like you were having so much fun just kicking the small ball around.

then there were the popular girls, yuna, chunhei and eunae. they were sitting down on the benches when chunhei got hit with the ball.

you were the only one that offered to walk her to the nurse's office.

another day in class, we were paired up for a project based off each other. we were supposed to learn things about each other, where we lived, where we're from, what we liked, stuff like that. thats when i found out we were neighbours.

ever since then, there wasn't a day you left my mind. just seeing you would light up anyone's day, really.

na jaemin, you're a very special boy.

seo y/n.

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