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Oh God. What was I thinking getting drunk last night? Not my smartest plan. Not that I generally have many.

I was just so nervous at the thought of seeing Ethan today. And the more I talked with Simone about it, the more I needed to drink.

When she pointed out that Ethan probably won't be expecting me if rock stars aren't informed of who is interviewing them, and then when I walk in there it will be really uncomfortable and awkward ... well, I kept on drinking more and more to dull the panic.

We practically drank Mandarin's dry. Sang Journey (Don't Stop Believing) on karaoke like we were auditioning for a part in Glee and then rolled home at 2am.

I've had six hours sleep; I'm seriously hung over and am currently travelling in on the Tube, feeling like I'm going to puke any second now.

One-part hangover ... two-part nerves.

When I finally get off the Tube at Hyde Park Corner, I grab a latte from Starbucks and guzzle it down, praying for it to clear my fuzzy head, as I make my way on foot to The Dorchester, where Ethan is staying.

The closer I get to the hotel, the more my nerves increase in intensity. My stomach keeps clenching in panic.

No, stop it, Emma. You are a serious journalist and it's just an interview. You've done loads of them. It doesn't matter who he is, or that you used to love him.

Still do.

No I don't.

Great, now I'm arguing with myself.

My phone beeps a text in my bag. It's from Simone; she'd already left for work this morning before I'd even rolled out of bed. I have no clue how she'd managed it.

I open the text up:

Breathe. It'll be fine. You'll be talking stories from when you were kids before you know it :) Call me when you're done. Love you x

I drop my phone back in my bag, glancing up I see I've reached The Dorchester. I drop my empty cup in the nearest bin, take my thin jacket off, and shove it into my oversized bag.

I'm wearing my black skater skirt, loose fitting grey T-shirt belted at the waist, and my favourite high-heeled, grey suede ankle boots. Not too flashy, not too casual, and I feel comfortable in them. They're me. And right now I just need to feel comfortable.

I stare up at the towering hotel.

Okay, I can do this.

I take a deep breath in and walk toward the door.

The concierge opens it for me, and I find myself in the plush foyer.

I instantly feel out of place. Maybe I should have dressed a little more conservatively.

But this is how I always dress for work, and when I interview celebrities, but then I've never interviewed any one as famous as Ethan, or none that I used to play kiss chase with when I five either.

Oh God. I am so totally shitting myself. And so totally out of my depth here.

I run my hands nervously down my skirt.

No, I can do this.

I lift my head high and walk toward to the reception desk.

The woman on the reception is very attractive, in that groomed kind of way I'll never be able to achieve.

She looks up at me.

"Hi," I say trying to exude confidence I am not feeling. "My name is Emma Chamberlain, I'm here to see Ethan Dolan."

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