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I'm really worried about Ethan. He's been so distant, so closed off these last few days in the lead up to his dad's funeral.

It's affected him so much more than I ever anticipated it would.

I guess, I just thought because he hadn't seen his dad in so long, and what happened the last time he did see him, well ... not that I thought he would be happy he's dead, I suppose I just didn't realise it would hit him so hard.

It's like he's here, but he's not. And I'm worried that he's slipped back into a time he's tried so hard to forget.

It's a hot August day here in San Bruno, and I'm thankful for the sleeveless black linen dress I'm wearing and for the air-con in the BMW X5 which Dave is driving, taking us to Sean's funeral. Stuart's in the front next to him, and I'm in the back with Ethan, who's been staring out of the window since we left the hotel to make the journey to the crematorium. He's wearing a black Armani suit, crisp white shirt and black tie, and dress shoes. It's strange to see Ethan in a suit, and even though he's look absolutely amazing, breath-taking, I want him out of these clothes and back in his Ethan threads. I want my Ethan back.

I just hope the surprise, if you can call it that on a day like today, will help lift his spirit and bring him back to me.

I called Lisa, Ethan's mom. I got her number from Ethan's phone when he was in the shower yesterday morning.

She wasn't going to come to the funeral. Understandable of course after what Sean did to her and Ethan. But she needs to, for Ethan's sake.

I'm doing everything I can for him, but for this, I think she's the only person who can help him.

They lived it together, now they need to lay it to rest together.

It was weird speaking to her after all these years.

Once we got past the initial awkwardness, it was actually really nice to talk to Lisa again. She told me that she's really happy Ethan and I have found each other again, and more so that we're together. She said she always knew we were meant for one other.

I actually felt really teary hearing that.

Then I told her my reason for calling.

She took the first flight out of New York to San Bruno. Stuart booked her into our hotel, but her flight was landing at lunchtime, so she's coming straight to the funeral from the airport. Dale couldn't come with her as he's currently in China on business.

Lisa and I are keeping our phone conversation between us.

That was my decision.

I don't want Ethan to know I called her. I want him to think she turned up because she wanted to be here for him.

Not that she didn't want to help her son. Of course she does. She was just blinded by her own anger for Sean, understandably, and she just needed a nudge in the right direction.

Dave pulls the car down the long road to the crematorium. I feel Ethan's hand tighten around mine.

I lean close to him, and rest my cheek against his. "Are you okay?" I whisper in his ear.

He moves back from me, staring into my eyes. He looks so different, so little boy lost. It makes me ache for him.

I'm praying that Lisa is already here waiting for us.

Ethan lifts his hand to my face, tucking my hair behind my ear, he kisses me gently on the lips and murmurs, "You're everything to me, Emma. You know that right?"

I nod, confused as to where he's going with this.

He takes my chin between his thumb and forefinger. "Just ... don't ever leave me. No matter what – just don't ever leave."

The Mighty Storm|| ethmaTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon