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Ethan is performing better than his last few shows, maybe that's because I'm here, or maybe it's because New York was his home for a time. I'm not sure. But because he's better, the guys are better and the band as a whole is on fire, and the crowd sure are feeling it.

I'm happy for him, for all of them that this tour is going out on a high, and I'm so glad I'm here to see it.

It's nearly two hours into the show and I know it's soon coming to an end. Which means it's almost time for me to go.

A part of me is struggling with the decision. A big part.

Simone and I are standing off stage in the left wing with Stuart so we have clear view of the guys, but all I'm looking at is Ethan.

It's all I've done for the whole show. It's impossible not to.

But he hasn't once looked, or even glanced in my direction.

Whether that's a deliberate thing or he's just so caught up in the show, I'm not sure.

Stuart beside me, puts his hand to his jacket pocket, feeling for his phone. He pulls it out, glances at the screen and taking the call, puts his finger in his ear and disappears off stage.

With Stuart gone, I move closer to Simone, linking my arm through hers, to continue watching the show.

I glance at her face. She's all bright eyed watching Denny on stage.

I feel a pang of pure envy. I wish Ethan and I were still like they are.

A minute later I feel a hand tap me on the shoulder. I turn and see it's Stuart. He jerks his head to the side, signalling for me to follow him.

I slip my arm from Simone's and follow him off stage and down the steps.

Stuart leads me down a corridor where it's quiet. He does a quick look around making sure we're alone. "I just got a call advising me that the girl, Kaitlyn, will be officially withdrawing her story about Ethan."

"What?!" I'm surprised. No scrap that, I'm stunned.

"She's admitting she lied about sleeping with Ethan."

"And why would she all of a sudden do that?" I give him a suspicious look.

Stuart shrugs.

My spidey sense kicks in. "Stuart, do you have something to do with this?"

He purses his lips. I can see considering in his eyes, which immediately tells me he did.

"Maybe," he utters.

I smile at him, shaking my head, relief filling me. Even though I figured Ethan was telling the truth, to hear it from Stuart, well from the horse's mouth, is such a weight off my mind knowing Ethan has been telling the truth all along.

"How did you get her to fess up?" I question him.

He grins. "Let's just say I can be very persuasive when I want to be."

"Stuart...?" I press.

Letting out a breath, he says, "I went to see Kaitlyn at her home. Ethan doesn't know this, and don't you tell him either."

"And she agreed to see you?"

"Well, I turned up on her doorstep under the guise of been a reporter. Once I was in her house I told her who I really was, and there wasn't much she could do about it then. She wasn't happy, but I wasn't going anywhere until she listened to what I had to say. She needed to hear what this was doing to Ethan ... to both of you."

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