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It's my second day in Stockholm and tonight is TMS's first show.

I'm at the stadium with the band. The opening show is at the Ericsson Globe. It's the strangest and most cool building I have ever seen. It's shaped like a large white ball. It's also quite a small venue for the guys, it only takes about sixteen thousand people, there's the Stockholm Stadium which hosts double that, but I think the guys wanted to kick the tour off with a small venue to start with.

I'm sitting out in the seats watching them rehearse for tonight, while the roadies get everything set up for tonight's show.

It's the first time I've ever seen Ethan up on stage with my own two eyes, and not watching him through a TV screen.

He looks at ease up there, but I can tell he's a little on edge. I can see it in his eyes. That little lost look he gets. He exudes calm control to everyone, but I can tell. He was the same when we were kids.

Other people probably miss it, but I see it, I've always seen it in him.

I'm guessing he's on edge because it's his first show since Japan. I think he struggles on stage without Jonny by his side. It must be hard for all of them, and for Smith too, having to fill the stage where such a big presence once stood.

I spent yesterday in the hotel with Ethan and the guys. After I'd finished unpacking and calling my dad, Will and Simone, Ethan came knocking to see if I wanted any food. The guys were ordering room service up. Surprisingly, they weren't going out partying.

Maybe being good boys with the first show being the next day.

So I went and hung out with them, ate, drank beer and played cards.

I wasn't technically working yesterday but just being with them all gave me a good initial insight into the dynamics between them all. The relationship the band has, especially with new addition of Smith for the tour.

It's funny, because even though Ethan's the 'boss' it didn't come across that way with them. They all seem to have a great relationship. Watching them together, it was just like watching a bunch of guys in college. Even with Smith, there's no weirdness with him there, the way they act toward him, it seems like he's always been there.

But it did make me wonder what it was like when Jonny was still here.

It's clear that Denny is the sensible one, so I get the impression he's the one Ethan can rely on for work. Tom's not unreliable, but the definite player I'd say. The one always cracking jokes, the partier and clearly a womaniser.

Tom's eyes spent a lot of time on my boobs while I was there with them. It didn't bother me, but I got the clear impression it was bothering Ethan. Mainly because he kept asking me if I was cold, and did I need to put a sweater on over my vest top.

Yeah sure Ethan, it's a hundred degrees in here, of course I want to wear a sweater!

His behaviour, if anything just highlighted the big brother vibe I got earlier, when he made the comment about Smith being married.

Tom is well known, like Ethan, for enjoying the 'female' perks of his profession.

I can imagine Tom is that kind of player who would work the room, flirting his way around. I think Ethan is the kind of guy who waits for woman to come to him. He doesn't work for it. Then again, he doesn't need too.

Not that I've seen any of this in action yet, but I'm sure I will very soon. And honestly, I'm not looking forward to seeing Ethan with other women. The thought turns my stomach.

I didn't do any of the sightseeing I had intended to on my first day in Stockholm, and I probably won't today either as I'm here with Ethan and the guys at the stadium, and then it's the show tonight, then we leave first thing in the morning to go to Germany.

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