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Will's at the door with a bottle of wine in his hand, looking as handsome as always.

"Hey," he says pulling me into his arms, he kisses me firmly on the mouth.

"Hey yourself," I smile up at him.

He releases me and I walk back down the hall and into our living room. Simone's out with her work colleagues tonight so it's just me and Will, and I have big plans of seduction for him, and then to tell him about working for Ethan and the tour.

"Are you ready to eat now? Dinner's ready."

"Definitely, I'm starving .What are we having?"

"Lasagne," I answer heading for the kitchen.

Will follows me into the kitchen and sets about opening the wine, while I dish up the lasagne.

I carry both our plates through to the living room, putting them down on the coffee table, while Will brings through the wine.

I sit down on the floor and Will sits opposite me.

I take a sip of my wine, watching Will as he tucks into the lasagne.

"This is good," he says. "You make the best lasagne ever."

"Thank you, baby."

Seeing as though he's happy with my culinary skills I decide to tell him about the tour now.

I spoke to him this afternoon on the phone, he'd called when I was out at lunch so I called him back. For some reason I didn't tell him I'd had lunch with Ethan. I think mainly it was because I would have had to tell him about the tour and I wanted to do that tonight. He did quiz me about my night with Ethan though, naturally, which I also downplayed quite a lot.

He scoffed when I said we'd been to Pizza Hut. It really annoyed me to be honest, he can be such a snob at times, so I didn't even bother to explain the relevance of it to Ethan and me.

"So I was ... um ... offered this amazing opportunity at work today."

"Oh yes?" he says, forking lasagne into his mouth.

"Well ... Ethan ... Dolan has asked the magazine to cover his official biography ... and well ... he's asked me to write the bio."

"Really? That's wonderful news," he says.

"Yes it is. But ... um ... the other thing is that to do so I'll have to go on tour with the band, you know to follow Ethan around, write about the tour and the band. Especially as it's their first tour without Jonny."

Will's brows knit together. "So you're going on tour with Ethan Dolan?"

"Yes, and the rest of the band."

"So my girlfriend – my very beautiful girlfriend is going on tour with a bunch of musicians, one of whom is Ethan Dolan, the notorious womaniser."

"Yes," I say, mildly. "But what Ethan is or isn't is, is of no relevance to me."

"Even though you used to be best friends growing up."

"Which was twelve years ago."

But doesn't feel like Ethan and me have been apart at all, we've fallen back in line with each other with such ease. I omit that though.

"And if I said I didn't want you to go ..."

"Well I kind of hoped you wouldn't want me to go but..."

"You'd still go anyway."

"Yes. It's an amazing opportunity for me, Will."

"Hmm." He nods. "So how long would you be gone?"

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