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Ethan and I spent the rest of yesterday in his suite. We got room service and watched a movie, and did other things of course.

I called Vicky at home and explained everything that had been happening with Ethan and Will. I thought it was going to be a really awkward conversation, but Vicky's not stupid, she knew.

She told me to take as long as I need off work, the bio's the focus anyway and as I'm now getting up close and personal with our intended she didn't mind.

But I do, I don't want to take liberties.

After I came off the phone with Vicky, I did start thinking about the bio, and how is it kind of weird that Ethan and I are couple, and I'm still going to be writing it.

I started to think maybe I shouldn't be.

When I tried to broach the subject with Ethan he just brushed me off. He said it doesn't matter as most of the European tour was noted before we started anything together, so it's not a big deal.

But I don't know, a part of me feels like it's a conflict of interest, then on the flip side I don't want to lose this great opportunity for my career, so I'm trying not to over think it at the moment.

I called my dad too. He wasn't surprised about Ethan and I either. He must have sensed it when they visited.

And whereas my dad was absolutely delighted about Ethan and I, my mom was, as I expected, a little more reserved about it.

She knows what it's like to live with a musician, and with one as famous as Ethan and his past tendencies, she said to me, as she had before, that she's worried for my heart.

I love her so much for her concern, but I know Ethan will never break my heart. I'm not just any other girl to him. We've known each other a lifetime.

Yes, I know life with Ethan will be bumpy, crazy and a little difficult at times, but I don't think he would ever truly hurt me.

I know because I can see it in his eyes every time he looks at me – his love for me, and I wonder how I never saw it there before.

Maybe I couldn't see it because he was afraid to truly show it to me. But now all those doors are open and I couldn't be happier.

"Baby, can you pass me the jam?"

Ethan and I are eating breakfast out on the balcony of his suite, with Paris as our backdrop.

Stuart is inside working in the living room rearranging Ethan's cancelled appearances back in the US. The ones he's cancelled to stay here with me.

Stuart could work out of his own suite I suppose, but he does need to ask Ethan things from time to time, and I think he gets a little lonely in his suite. I know I would. And I think he's just used to being around Ethan. I love the friendship they have, and I like having Stuart around, he's fun and cool.

Ethan passes over the jam and as I'm taking hold of it, he catches hold of my wrist and pulls me forward across the table. Meeting me halfway, he plants a long delicious kiss on my lips.

"You taste yummy," I murmur. He's been eating pain au chocolat.

"So did you," he winks, and my face instantly flushes.

He's referring to what he was doing to me in bed first thing this morning.

Shivers run from my head to my toes at the memory, a heat rising fast in me.

I sit back in my seat, picking up a knife, I spread jam on my croissant.

"So what do you want to do today?" Ethan asks. "We could go sightseeing, do the whole touristy thing, Eiffel tower and that, and go out to lunch – we could go to the delicatessen that make the mini-cakes you love ... or I can take you shopping and buy you lots of pretty things. I'm sure Denny would be up for it if you wanted Simone along for the shopping?"

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