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It took us a little while longer to get out as Ethan decided to join me in the shower, and we ... um ... well, you know.

We've decided to go to the Louvre, because neither of us has ever been and I've always wanted to go, and I love that it's something brand new we can do together.

So we're in the back of the Merc with Dave driving us and Ben in the passenger seat.

Two lots of security are needed today apparently.

That fact makes me feel a little weird, but I'm trying to push it to the back of my mind, because I'm going to have to get used to this kind of thing being with Ethan.

Stuart has also called ahead to let the staff at the Louvre know Ethan is visiting today.

Apparently this is how it works in celeb world. You have to preannounce your arrival.

Good to know.

It's weird living like this. Pre-Ethan if I wanted to go somewhere I did, without having to plan everything or bring security along for the ride.

So basically, we're going on our first date with Dave and Ben.

Kind of kills the feel of it, but I don't want to say anything to Ethan and upset him, because this is life with Ethan. Everything has to be structured, security with us all the time, and the places we go have to be informed in advance of his arrival.

It's a lot crazy. And it's going to take some serious getting used to.

Ethan is holding my hand, running his thumb over my skin. I think he knows I'm nervous about going on our first outing together as a couple.

Honestly, my stomach is popping over.

People are soon going to know I'm his girlfriend. And I'm going to become public enemy number one with his female fans.

My insides start to tremble, and not in a good way.

Dave drives the car down Avenue du Général Lemonnier and enters the underground parking garage of the Louvre. A space nearest the lifts has been reserved for us, and there is an attendant already waiting to meet us.

Okay, so let this begin.

Dave parks up and he and Ben get out of the car.

Ben opens Ethan's door.

"You ready?" Ethan asks me.

I can't seem to answer. I'm frozen to my seat. In truth I'm scared and even more so now we're here.

I've been living in a bubble with Ethan. Our relationship this last week has been just him and I cocooned, despite all the Will stuff. Now we're about to go out in public together and everyone will know I'm Ethan Dolan's girlfriend, and then it won't just be him and me anymore. His world will become a part of us.

And I'm worried that it might take over.

"Give us a minute," Ethan says to Ben, grabbing the door, he closes it.

"What's wrong?" he asks, turning to me, his gaze worried.

"I don't know," I shrug, finding my voice. "I guess it's all just got a little real now, and I don't mean us," I add at his worsening expression. "I just mean you, who you are, the world you live in. The one I'm about to become a part of."

He looks at me puzzled. "Em, you've known all along how my life is."

I take a deep breath. "I know, I guess ... it's just this – us going on our first date, and we have to bring Dave and Ben along with us, and Stuart has to call ahead to prepare them for your arrival – at the Louvre for god's sake! That's how famous you are, and it just feels ... a lot crazy. And a little un-date like," I add quietly, wringing my hands together in my lap.

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