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Meet Ethan ...

Chapter One – The Hotel

I can't fucking sit still.

Ever since Stuart told me the name of the interviewer coming this morning, I've been pacing around like a dickhead. My head is flipping about all over the place.

What if it's her?

What do I say?

She might be pissed at me. I was the one who stopped contact when I moved across the States. And when I hit the big time with the band she never attempted to get in touch with me.

That'd be just like Emma to hold a twelve year grudge. She was always a feisty one.

Emma Chamberlain.

It might not be her.

How many Emma Chamberlain's could there be in San Francisco who are music journalists?

She was music first, a writer second. It has to be her.

What time is it?

I'm driving myself nuts here. I just wish she'd hurry the fuck up and get here so can put myself out of my misery.

I know I'm acting like a crazy mother fucker right now, but it's Emma.

There was only ever her for me, and that never changed in the whole time I've been apart from her.

She was the only one who knew me back then, and only she could tie me up like this.

She was my best friend, the only girl I ever loved, and I've missed the shit out of her.

It's times like this when I wish I wasn't clean. I could really do with a hit right now.

Fuck. I need a smoke.

I get them out of my pocket and light one up.

"Do you want a drink?" Stuart asks walking into the living room. "Maybe a whiskey?"

"No. Yes. No." I pull on my smoke and blow it out.

"Any conclusion on that drink yet?" Stuart says cocking his head to the side.


"Yeah you want one. Or yeah you don't."


"It might calm you down." He crosses the room, heading toward the mini-bar.

"Yeah but if I have one then I might not stop."

He gets one of those mini Diet Coke cans out and cracks it open.

Coke, that's what I need right now, and not of the diet varity.

"This girl sure has got you freaked out." Stuart has another drink, and draining the can, he tosses it in the trash.

I turn to him, taking a long drag of my smoke. "Because she's not just any girl."

"No?" Stuart raises his eyebrow.

"No." I take another long drag, then stub it out in the ashtray. "She's the only girl I've ever loved."

"I didn't think you did love?"

"Only the once."

Grinning, Stuart comes over and picks the ashtray up.

I know he's going to clean it out. He hates my smoking. I think he's worried it will prematurely age him or something.

Gay guys. I'll never understand them. Stuart's cool though, he's been with me from the start and he's great at his job. He's also saved my ass more times than I care to remember.

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