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I'm in a cab on my way to SFO airport to fly out to Sweden for the first leg of the tour.

I'm mega excited about this tour, and I'm also really looking forward to seeing Ethan again.

I might not have seen Ethan for two weeks, but we've been in regular contact; I've spoken to him every day. Well, not actually spoken, but we've been emailing and texting every day since he texted me that first night.

It's like we've never been away from each other. The last twelve years dissolving into irrelevance.

Some of the emails and texts have been a little flirty, mostly on his part, but I've made sure not to cross any line. I don't want to blur things and give Ethan the wrong impression.

I'm not up for being another notch on his incredibly long belt, even if he is gorgeous and lovely, and so very sweet to me. It's not worth losing Will over.

And Will ... well things have been amazing these last few weeks. It's been like it was when we first got together. Hot sex everywhere.

It seems that lag I had, which I'm totally putting down to Ethan's huge bang back into my life, vanished with him going back to LA.

We were in bed together last night, when Will did the sweetest thing...

"So I bought you something," Will said climbing out of bed, leaving me feeling cold without him.

"You did?" I sat up, feeling a little frisson of excitement.

Will always buys me the best presents, he knows what I like. He knows me so well.

He retrieved something for his pants pocket, which were slung over the chair at my dressing table, while I admired his hot, tight body and cute butt from behind.

He's so gorgeous and lovely. I love that he's mine.

He came over and sat down on the bed beside me. "I bought this for you, because I want you to have something to remember me by while you're gone." He held out a black, velvet jewellery box.

"Jewellery," I smiled. My itchy fingers reached out to touch the soft black velvet.

Will looked a little nervous as I opened it.

"On my God! Will it's beautiful!" I touched my fingers to the platinum chainmail bracelet feeling completely overwhelmed by his thoughtfulness.

"You like?" He looked at me hopefully.

"I love!" I leant forward and kissed him firmly on the lips.

He held my face in his hands, prolonging the kiss to deep. When he finally released me he removed the bracelet from the box and I held my arm out allowing him to put it on.

"It looks perfect," he said staring down at it. My own eyes fixed on it too. "I want you to wear it all the time you're away from me, so you have a permanent reminder of me and our life together." Will's voice was deep and low.

My heart started to hurt in my chest at the thought of the length of time I'm actually going to be away from him. The enormity of it finally hit me.

I felt tears start to prick the backs of my eyes.

"Like I would ever forget about you," I said gently. I touched my hand to his face, feeling the starter of his rough stubble under my fingertips.

Will took hold of my hand, kissing my palm. He started to kiss a path down my arm slowly, making my tummy tingle, as his lips moved over my shoulder and up my neck, until he reached my mouth.

He took my face in his hands, fingers buried deep into my hair. "I love you so much," he said.

"Show me how much," I grinned, biting down on my lip.

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