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Oh God. I'm so hungover. I actually think I'm dying.

After I found out Ethan had left with Zzhuilette the redhead, I set out on a mission to erase the knowledge from my mind – with the obvious help of alcohol. Basically I wanted to get slaughtered and I achieved just that.

By the time Will had got back from the toilets, I was three shots in, and back on the dance floor with Stuart.

I know he knew something was wrong with me. Honestly I think he probably thinks I'm overworked, or have developed a drinking problem from spending too much time with the guys.

Will finally brought me back to the hotel around 12am as I was wasted. I remember him carrying me back to the suite. I think I was singing Mr Brightside at the top of my lungs, and then I spent a long time in the toilet, throwing up.

Poor Will. He doesn't deserve any of this. He's kind and sweet. And I'm the devil.

I stretch my stiff body out, groaning, I blink my eyes open.

Will's sitting in a chair by the bed, eyes on me.

"I got you a coffee." He hands me over a Starbucks container as I sit up in bed.

"Thank you," I say gratefully. I lean up against the headboard and take a welcome drink.

"You went out?"

"Just to the Starbucks out by the hotel. I needed the air."

"Oh. Sorry I got so drunk. Simone? Did she get back okay? Is she on the sofa?"

"She stayed in Denny's room."

"Oh," I say.

Good for Simone. One day here and she pulls herself a fit drummer.

"Look, Emma." Will rubs his head, pushing his fingers into his hair. "Is there something going on with you? You just haven't seemed yourself at all since I arrived yesterday."

This is it. I can either tell him the truth or coward out.

Ethan and I aren't going to be together. Not now.

The thought causes me actual physical pain.

And then I just know what I have to do – I have my answer. Even if I'm not going to be with Ethan, I can't just stay with Will because it's easier.

Yes, I love him. But obviously not enough or I would never have slept with Ethan.

Will deserves to be with someone who loves him and him alone.

I put my coffee down on the nightstand and sitting up, crossing my legs in front of me, I face him.

"I have to tell you something." My body starts to shake. I take the deepest breath I've ever taken, trying to control my fears over what I'm about to do.

"I've been sleeping with Ethan."

I see the shock, slowly morphing into horror and absolute pain echo across his features.

It is a look that will haunt me for a very long time.

"What?" he says slowly.

"I'm so sorry, Will."

He stares blankly at me. His face now washed of any emotion.

"What? Are you being fucking serious?" His tone is low and heart-breaking.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean for this to happen."

He puts his head into his hands. "You didn't mean for it to happen! You've been having sex with Ethan Dolan and you didn't mean for it to happen!"

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