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I wake to the sound of knocking on my hotel door. A glance at the clock tells me it's 9.15am.

I wonder who the hell that is?

Ethan is wrapped around me like a sheet. I disentangle myself from him. He groans and rolls over in his sleep.

I pull my robe on and pad my way toward the main door. I peer through the peep hole, and my heart stops in my chest.

It's Will.

Will is standing outside my door, and Simone is with him, and Ethan is in my bed – holy fuck!

Holy fucking fuckety shit!

For a moment, I literally don't know what to do.

Then Will knocks at the door again. A little louder this time.

I take a couple of quiet steps back, then turning I run into the bedroom.

"Ethan," I whisper, shaking him. "Wake up."

He blinks open heavy eyes.

"Will is here, outside the door! Here now!" I hiss.

He blinks again as my words register. Then very slowly, he sits up.

He doesn't look panicked in the least. Me, I'm absolutely shitting myself, but Ethan seems quiet leisurely about it.

"You've have to hide." I pull on his arm, glancing around the room, my eye catching sight of the bathroom door.

"Hide. You need to hide in the bathroom. Will is here outside the door."

I run around gathering up his clothes. I shove them in his arms, and try to pull him off the bed. He's reluctance is apparent.

"You want me to hide in the fuckin' bathroom?" His tone is less than encouraging.

"Ssh, keep your voice down, he'll hear you."

"I don't give a fuck," he says audible.

Oh no.

"Please, Ethan. I can't let him find out this way. Not when he's come all this way to see me. I will tell him, soon. But not like this. Please." I try to urge him off toward the bathroom again.

Another knock. Louder, more insistent this time.

Ethan glances in the direction of the knocking, then looks back to me giving me a hard, unforgiving stare.

I stare back with pleading eyes.

He gets to his feet and storms in the bathroom, shutting the door firmly behind him.

My head is an absolute mess.

I quickly make my way toward the door. Smoothing my hair down, I take a deep breath, then swing the door open.

"Surprise!" Will and Simone sing in unison.

"Arghh!" I cry out in fake-Oscar-worthy-surprise.

Will throws his arms around me, enveloping me into a big hug.

His scent washes over me, musky and minty, and I almost break down crying on the spot.

"God, I've missed you," he says, holding me tight.

"I missed you too," I murmur. I can't stop the tears that fill my eyes.

Guilty tears.

"You took your time answering the door." He holds me back, looking at me like he's drinking me in.

He looks so happy.

Oh God.

"Sorry, I was sleeping." I somehow manage to get the words out of my clotted throat.

The Mighty Storm|| ethmaWhere stories live. Discover now