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We're in Barcelona. The show is tomorrow night at the Estadi Olímpic Lluís Companys stadium.

My folks are arriving first thing in the morning. I'm so excited to see them.

Ethan was all for it when I mentioned about getting them tickets for coming over here to see the show. I think he's looking forward to seeing my dad again.

I've been touring with TMS for almost two weeks now, and the time has just absolutely flown by. I've barely had time to think let alone miss anyone, I'm with Ethan pretty much all the time, but it will be so good to see my folks tomorrow.

And I'm looking forward to seeing Will in a week. I've spent time away from him before of course, but I think with my folks coming tomorrow it's made me a little sick for home. For him.

I lift my bracelet up looking at it, dangling it in the light.

Picking my phone up, I decide to call him.

"Hey, gorgeous," he murmurs down the phone.

"What you up too?" I ask.


"At this time? It's... eight forty five there, baby."

"I know. It's that big acquisition I told you about, well some shit kicked off with it, and there's an emergency meeting first thing in the morning, so I have to prepare a load of stuff for it. Good thing is it's keeping me busy, stopping me dwelling on how much I'm missing you."

"I miss you too," I murmur.

"You do?"

"Of course I do silly."

"So you're at work..." I say putting a sultry tone on.


"And you're in your suit?" I love Will in his suits. He looks really hot wearing them.

"I am."

"Are you in the office alone?"

"No, Mark's working late too."

"Oh," I say, feeling a little deflated. I was up for some dirty phone talk. Not like me at all, but I'm feeling pretty horny at the moment.

"Where are you?" he asks.

"Lying on my bed."


"Yep. Shame you're not alone, I was gonna ... maybe ... uh, talk dirty things with you."

"I'll call you when I'm home." His breathing suddenly sounds short.

"How long?"

"Couple of hours."

"I'll be waiting ... and naked," I add, grinning to myself, feeling all confident.

"Two hours," he confirms, voice husky.

"Not a minute more. I love you," I add.

"You too."

I hang the phone up with Will feeling restless and now have two hours to kill before I can talk dirty with my boyfriend.

Not exactly sex, but the closest thing I'm going to get to it with him for another week.

Realising I haven't eaten dinner yet, I decide to go see Ethan, see if he wants to have dinner with me. I hope he hasn't already eaten. I hate eating alone.

I knock at his suite door, and Stuart answers a few moments later.

He looks all dressed up to the nines. Stuart always looks smart, but tonight, he's looks foxy. Like he's dressed for a date.

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