Chapter 11: Saved

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Iwaizumi POV

Hinata clasped onto the ground after they left, he had done his best to stand there, but his legs gave out on him. As Oikawa and I turned to take him in, he was shaking and crying. His clothes a mess, I saw his jacket and bag discarded a few feet away and went to grab them. Oikawa had gone to Hinata, running a calming hand through his hair and wrapping him in a hug. Hinata was flinching under his touch, but eventually calmed down. He knew he was safe with us, and that was reassuring. I dug in his bag, pulling out his phone and called his mom. I told her we found him and that he was safe, saying we would bring him home shortly. I could hear the worry in Mrs.Hinata's voice, and I did my best to reassure her. But the only thing that would really do that was Hinata returning home. With a quick goodbye and a motion towards Oikawa, who promptly picked up Hinata, we left towards his house.

Oikawa POV

Hinata had his legs looped around my waist and face bared in my shoulder, crying, as I carried him. He was a wreck. As we walked he slowly calmed down till he was out cold in my arms, having cried himself to sleep. When we reached his house his mother was on the front porch, pacing. Seeing us she came running over, and though she reached for Hinata I refused to let him go. Mrs.Hinata settled for patting Hinata's back softly, looking at him as if to make sure he was really there back home, and then had me take him inside. I layed Hinata on his bed and then after a moment climbed in with him, holding him as he slept. I was afraid that if I let him go he would disappear. Iwazumi settled at the end of the bed staring at the floor for a second and then back at Hinata. He didn't want to leave him either, so we didn't. We stayed there, watching over the little ginger and waited.When Hinata woke up and an hour later we were still there. He sat up, pulling out of my arms, and I reluctantly let him go. He looked around dazed and confused for a second before understanding hit him, and he looked down at his hands frowning.

"Shouyou...." He looked up shocked at my using his name, I was shocked too if I'm honest, "Are you okay?" He nodded.

"You know we have to talk about this," Iwazumi said, reaching his hand out to find the gingers, lightly touching him. He nodded again, obviously not liking the idea but agreeing.

"I-I....I don't know what to say.." he finally managed in a raspy voice from crying.

"Let's start from the beginning, when did this start?" Iwazumi lead the questions

"...after we lost to you in the interhigh preliminaries..." Hinata's voice was small, and when I finally heard what he had said I froze. Hinata has been going through this for months. No wonder he didn't want to play volleyball anymore. Looking up I saw Iwazumi, we probably had very similar expressions and were probably thinking the same thing. We were going to crush those two first years.

Hinata continued to answer our questions, what happened to him and how it led to him not playing anymore. And then he told us about how a month ago he tried to kill himself, and how his mother had found him. And then on his first day of school, after receiving Tobio's message he tried again. We listened and tried our best to calm him when he cried. He had to be feeling so much pain and hurt through this and he had kept it all to himself. We ended up staying over that night and skipping school the next day. Hinata didn't say he wanted to skip school, but Iwazumi and I both knew he needed to stay home.

"Iwa-chan" I said as I looked next to us at the sleeping Hinata "Do you think he'll be okay?"

"I'm not sure...but I hope so..." With that we fell asleep, knowing we would have to go to school tomorrow. Hinata held between us.

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