Chapter 28: Home Alone

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Oikawa POV

When we got to Shouyou we found a note from his mom saying she'd gotten called into the office, that she dropped Natsu off to spend the night at her friends, and that she would be home late. She left money for us to order pizza and a reminder to not stay up too late. After the pizza got here we went up to Shouyou's room and put on a movie, though we only half paid attention to it as we ate and talked. Everything had been going great. Until it wasn't. We just came back up from taking our dishes down. Then Shouyou fell, tripping forward, I tried to catch him but instead we went tumbling onto the ground, him landing on top of me.

"Aw...sorry" He pushed himself off my chest but was still leaning over me, shit he's too close.

"It's okay...." I tried looking anywhere else, him leaning over me like this, it was too much.

"Oikawa are you're really red..." Shouyou was staring at my face, still hovering over us with no attempt at moving.

"I-I'm fine"

"Really you do look really red there? Iwaizumi mussed looking down at me while he smiled, he found this funny.

Before I thought about what I was doing, or the consequences, I leaned up and grabbed Iwaizumi's arm tugging down as hard as I could. It resulted in him falling on top of Shouyou and me, and for a second I laughed triumphantly. Then it wasn't so funny. I looked up and saw Shoutout's bright red face, and then I closed the distance. Kissing him, it was just a peck really, when I pulled back his eyes were huge in shock and his mouth hug open a bit. I smiled, and then leaned back in, slipping my tongue into his already open mouth, his eyes fluttered closed and then he kissed me back. It was just a short kiss, I could feel Iwaizumi looking at us, and when I pulled back I was right. He no longer was laying across Shouyou where I had pulled him down, he was now sitting next to us in complete shock.

Iwaizumi POV

Oikawa was looking at me with a gleam in his eyes, I've seen it so many times before. Whatever he had planned was nothing good. He sat up pulling the still shocked Shouyou with him. Thenhe leaned over, grabbed my shirt pulling me closer, and kissed me like he had Shouyou. I hesitated and then gave in, and like the one he shared with Shouyou, it was a short kiss.

"Your turn..." Oikawa purred almost in my ear, I was only confused for a second then I understood. I looked at Shouyou, his face red, and he looked at me. I only hesitated a second before I leaned over and claimed his lips, they were as soft as they looked.

When I looked back at Oikawa he was grinning, his eyes still holding the same sleem. And while normally I would stop whatever plan he had, I really didn't want to. He kissed Shouyou again, longer and deeper. Causing him to squirm a bit in his arms. Then he started kissing down Shoutout's neck, causing a small gasp from him. I smiled and then leaned back in, I knew exactly were this was going, and for once decided not to stop Oikawa from what he had planned

Oikawa POV

Iwaizumi caught on instantly to what I was doing, kissing him again, while I made my way down his neck kissing and biting. Causing small purple marks to spring up. I let my hands slide down to the hem of his shirt and slid them under, letting them hover around his waist, and then slowly slid them up his torso. Finding his nipples, I smiled into his neck, I pinched them slightly teasing them as I kissed my way up to whisper in his ear.

"Shouyou are you okay with this?" Iwaizumi stopped for a second then, releasing his lips so he could answer. He was panting, and bright red.

"Yes" It was a faint whisper, so soft that one might miss it, but it rang loudly in my ears.

"If you start feeling uncomfortable you just have to tell us to stop, okay?" He nodded

I pulled Shoutout's shirt off him, and shifted him to sit over my lap facing me, kissing him. Iwaizumi started peeping kisses down his neck and then across his shoulders, his hands looping around and sliding across his torso. My hands slid up and down his thighs, and then moved to rest on his hips.

Hinata POV

Oikawa pressed down on my hips slightly, pressing me so that I could feel his hard on. I gasped slightly, and he pulled away from our kiss, both of us trying to catch our breaths.

"Why are you surprised Shouyou?" Iwaizumi's voice was in my ear, his warm breath sending shivers down my spine "Are you surprised that he's turned on by you?" his voice sounded rougher than normal.

"Shout-" Oikawa started to whisper but was cut off

Downstairs was a sound of the front door closing, and then someone walking up the stairs. My mom was home. We hurriedly jumped apart, my shirt was tossed to me and I rushed to put it on. I had just put it over my head when there was a note at the door.

"Shouyou," My mom said, opening the door, I quickly pulled my shirt down and tried to act natural. "I just wanted to let you know I'm home, and see if you boys needed anything?"

"I think were good Mrs.Hinata" Oikawa answered because I was unable to speak

"Okay well dont stay up to much longer, goodnight." My mom then shut the door and headed back down stairs

I let out the breath I'd been holding, while the other two laughed. I looked at them in shock, how were they not completely mortified. I had thought my heart would leap out of my chest. I could tell my face was burning red, so I hid it in my hands, kill me now....

"Shouyou whats wrong, why are you hiding?" Oikawas teased already knowing the answer

"I'm gonna die...." I groaned, then peaked out from behind my fingers "Do you think she knows about you know.. Um what we had been doing?" I asked hesitantly, they laughed

"She definitely knows!" Iwaizumi managed to stop laughing for a moment to answer

"Shouyou of course she does, I mean one look at you and it's obvious." Oikawa said, and then when I gave him a confused look he led me to the mirror by my door, Iwaizumi following close behind.

I was mortified, they were right, one look and you'd know. My lips were red and slightly swollen, my shirt was on inside out, and on my neck were small purple bruises from where they had kissed me, and I knew I would find more along my shoulders. Oikawa and Iwaizumi stood behind me, wrapping an arm around each other and then each wrapping one around me, pulling me closer to them. I couldn't help but smile at our reflection in the mirror, and they smiled back.

"Shouyou we want to talk with you," Oikawa said, walking over and sitting on my bed. He patted next to him and I sat there, Iwaizumi sitting on the floor in front of us.

"About what?"

"We should have talked before any of that happened..." Iwaizumi said, did they regret it? Seeing the look that must have been on my face he quickly added "We don't regret it or anything, so please don't think about that. We just wanted to make sure we talked with you about us."

"Us?" I asked

"Yeah us. You see Iwaizumi and I..." Oikawa looked at his friend and then back at me "We like you Shouyou, we like you alot." I gapped at that, they liked me!

"And we wanted for us...the three of us to be together." Iwaizumi finished.

I was shocked. They like me. They wanted to be together. They wanted us to be an us. They wanted me.... This is what Kenma ment. I liked them. I think I was in love with them actually. I was so happy I could burst. Maybe not burst but faint, yeah I could definitely faint. They liked me like I liked them! Oikawa and Iwaizumi liked me! That was my last thought before I did faint.

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