Chapter 20: Day 2 Pt.1

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Iwaizumi POV

When Hinta came back he tried to put on a happy smile but it didn't foul me, and one look at the others in the room said they were not buying it either. But no one asked, the others thought it was because he went to see his old team. However Oikawa and I knew the truth, that while his old team may have been part of the reason, it was two specific people on his old team causing this weird nervousness.

"Hey everything okay?" I asked when he made it to the back of the room to his mat by Oikawas and mine, the others were a safe distance away so if we whispered they wouldn't hear.

"Yeah, they weren't there when I got there but once they came in I left" HInata looked down at the group "It was weird, and i feel bad because I hurt the others."

Of course that made sense, HInata had said he left without telling them. They were probably very confused and hurt by it, and it wasn't until our practice match with them that they had heard from him. Hinata looked guilty, and it made sense too, he had worried them and they had been his friends and teammates. But he also had a reason why he couldn't tell them he was leaving and where he was going.

"Hinata are you going to tell them?" Oikawa asked going and sitting next to him

"No!" he said it a little too loud and drew a couple pairs of eyes, when they turned away he repeated it quieter. "No...I don't want to tell them."

We nodded and left it at that, but Oikawa and I knew that he should tell them. But we also would force him to.

The Next Day

Hinata POV

It was a bit easier today, that is until the practice matches started and we were put against Karasuno. Then it was just weird again. Looking at them across the net, laughing and having fun without me. It hurt a little, but I was also laughing and having fun with my new team. Over time I grew really close to Kindaichi and Kunimi and we were now playfully making jokes at each other. They laughed as I got hit in the head with a ball, and then came over and made sure I was okay. And when Kageyama and Tsukki shot glares our way, even though they had no clue why and probably just assumed because I switched teams, they glared back at them for me.

"I'm trusting you guys," Oikawa said before walking onto the court to start the game. He did the same thing with yesterday's practice matches, and it shifted the mood of the team.

I thought about asking but decided to save it for later as I followed him onto the court. I stood top right,Kageyam across from me glaring, and waited for him to serve. His first two serves were service aces, each time we went and huddled up saying great job. Though the next one was dug up by Nishinoya, I had almost yelled a nice receive before I remembered I was on the other team. The game quickly picked up and we slowly got the lead. I was having issues trying to decide how I felt, I was obviously happy that my team was winning but I also couldn't shake how odd it was and how sad I was that Karasuno was losing. I got lost in thought as a ball collided with my face, Oikawa quickly set it to Iwaizumi who scored, and then everyone came running over.

"Are you okay Hinata?" One of them asked, I wasn't sure who though.

"Yeah sorry guys, I was distracted...." I said rubbing my forehead, damn that hurt.

"Can you still play?" Matsukawa asked, staring down at me.

"Yes!" I said jumping up then, I hadn't realized I was on the ground.They then all laughed as I went bounding towards my spot

"Hey I don't know if you think so too but...did it look like glasses aimed at the ball at his face just now?" Someone behind me whispered, probably thinking I couldn't hear them

I didn't hear a reply but it seemed as if my team was tender now, and I had a feeling they had agreed with whoever had asked if Tsukki aimed the ball at me. Had he? It's possible, but I wasn't paying attention, I could have easily been hit by the ball on accident. It's not like it had not happened before. And I was content thinking that as we finished the first set, winning by seven. However when another ball came flying straight at my face, to the point where if I moved my head it would be out, I knew that he had intentionally aimed the ball booth times. I dodged, and like I thought it was out, so far out that the ball actually slammed into the wall behind us.

Aoba Johsai POV

When another ball went flying at HInata's head, in the second set, they knew. Glasses was intentionally aiming to hit him. He wasn't trying to hit the floor with Hinata or simply make him be the one to receive sense his receives aren't that great still, no he was aiming for Hinata. He was intentionally trying to hurt him. And that made them mad.

When it was their turn to receive Hanamaki asked Oikawa to send the ball to him next, and while surprised by the request he agreed. So when Watari dug up Kageyama's serve and sent it to Oikawa he set it to Hanamaki. Who in turn sent the spike straight at the blond middle blockers face, not caring when it hit their side of the floor. And instead of looking mad at losing a point he smiled, more like smirked at the blond blocker in front of him, who in turn snarled back as he left the court with a bloody nose.

His team tried to hide their smiles, well except for Hinata as he was just plain shocked, as the coach called for a time out. Hanamaki got yelled at and was told not to do it again or he'd get taken out, and warned the rest of the team not to pull any stupid stunts either. But even with all of the coaches yelling they could all see a small hint of a smile.

Karasuno's POV

"Are you okay Tsukki" Yamaguchi asked him as he stepped off the court.

"I'm fine!" Tsukki barked, he was pissed.

"What the hell do they think they're doing, that guy aimed to hit him in the face." Tanka said glaring at the other team, and then started that way "I'm not letting this slide!"

"Don't even dare" Daichi said grabbed Tanka by the collar and stopping him

"First they steal HInata and now hurt Tsukishima!" Nishinoya yelled

"They didn't steal HInata. Hinata moved schools and is now on their volleyball team." Suga reasons trying to calm the team "Are you okay Tsukki?"

"I said i'm fine!" Tsukki walked away to go to the trainers, Yamaguchi and Yachi following quickly behind him.

"He seems angry today." Suga asked after pulling Daichi away.

"We're all a bit angry" Daichi said eyeing Tanka and Noya to make sure they didn't run to the other team, of course he didn't really have to worry as Ennoshita was standing ready by them


"Yeah but I think he was intentionally aiming for Hinata earlier, and I think it's why that guy purposely spiked him in the face..." Daichi looked at Suga then, had he missed something

"Are you sure?" Daichi asked, Suga only nodded lips pressed into a thin line.

Hinata POV

When we won the match coach made Hanamaki go apologize to Tsukki for hitting him in the face, saying it was the right thing to do. And when he did I could tell apologizing wasn't the only thing he did. We moved on and quickly continued with the practice matches. We lost against Nekoma in the third set which resulted in a round of penalty laps, and then won our last practice match against Fukurodani. Then we went onto a solo practice on one of the courts, working on spiking and serving. Before we knew it the day was over and we had some free time. Normally I would continue to practice but I decided against it when I saw Tsukki with Kuroo. Instead I decided I would go talk with my old team like I told them I would yesterday.

"Hey guys..." I said walking up to OIkawa and Iwaizumi, I learned yesterday to tell them where I was going " um..well" It was easier said than done...

"Whatever it is, just tell us." Oikawa said smiling reassuringly at me

"Well yesterday I told them I would talk with them more, and with Kageyama and Tsukki in the gym training some more... I was gonna go talk to my old team if that's okay?"

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