Chapter 17: Training Camp Pt.1

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Hinata POV

Time had flown by and before I knew it I was stepping off the bus, we had just gotten to the training camp. I had been surprisingly calm on the but, maybe because my team was distracting me, but now that we were here I was overflowing with nerves. Bouncing as the rest of the team got off the bus, I looked around planning to hide at the sight of my old team. I knew i'd see them sooner or later, but I would rather it be later much much later.

"Hinata calm down" Oikawa said coming to stand next to me

"Sorry..." I had to force myself to stop bouncing.

"Are you excited to see anyone?" Kunimi asked us to come up, I guess he took my earlier bouncing as excitement instead of nervousness.

When I thought about it I realized that I was excited to see a few people, so I nodded yes getting a surprised look from Oikawa and Iwaizumi. Before I could explain that they weren't from Karasuno, the coach said it was time to head in.

"Who are you happy to see?" Oikawa asked quietly as we made our way inside.

"I have a few friends from Nekoma and Fukorodani that i'm kinda happy about seeing"

"Do they know?" Iwaizumi asked curiously, I shook my head no and he had a strange look on his face.

"Shouyou" Someone called from in front of us, it was Kenma.

"Kenma!" Before I could think about it I ran over to him and jumped, hugging him tightly.

"It's good to see you..." He said after trying to balance after catching me, and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Wow, so we know who's most important to Hinata now." Kuroo, Bakuto and Akasshi were right beside us though I hadn't noticed them.

"Hey guys!" I said hugging them each in turn after letting go of Kenma.

Oikawa POV

Hinata had hurtled himself at the boy who called him by his first name, pudding head caught him like it happened often and smiled at him easily. Then Hinata hugged the three others that stood there. They all seemed way too friendly for my liking.

"Hey Trashykawa," Iwaizumi said, coming up beside me, "Don't be looking like that, just be happy he's smiling."

"But Iwa-chan their too friendly with him." I pouted looking at him, and while he didnt want to admit it he looked as if he thought so too.

"Hey Chibi-chan what's up with the uniform?" one of them asked, noticing he wasn't in his normal Karasuno colors. I didn't like how he used my nickname for him, and was even madder when Hinata didn't seem to mind at all.

"Chibi-chan transfer to Aoba Johsai," I said, coming up behind HInata and wrapping my arms around him. A clear statement that he was mine. In response the bedhead looking guy in a Nekoma shirt smiled knowingly.

"Oh you decided to switch schools, why did you choose them. You know if you were changing schools Nekoma would be happy to have you..." He stared right into my eyes, then glanced next to me where Iwaizumi had walked up beside me.

"Hinata switched schools!" One of the others from Fukirodani called "Hinata you should have told me, my little protege shoul;d have switched to our school!"

"Sorry he's at Aoba Johsai and we don't plan to give him up." Iwaizumi said, frowning at them.

"Shouyou why don't I show you and your team to your guys room." The pudding haired one

said, and when his teammate was about to protest he elbowed him.

"Okay that be great!" HInata exclaimed smiling, completely oblivious to what was going on around him.

"So shouyou how was your ride here?" Pudding's head asked as he led the team to our room.

"It was good" Hinata replied

"That's good"

When we reached the room pudding head said if they needed anything to let him know, but by the way he looked at HInata when he said it was more like it was just for HInata. It annoyed me how close he seemed to him, but from my understanding they've been friends for a while. And unlike the redheaded guy I didn't think he was trying to steal him away.

"So tell me about your friendship with puddinghead..."I said as we were getting situated.

"You mean Kenma?" Hinata confused by my nickname for his friend, I nodded "What about him?" He asked

"You two seem close..." I wasn't sure what I was asking either but HInata nodded

"Yeah we are, Kenmas a really great friend. He doesn't talk much especially when you first meet him, but he's really considerate and helpful."

Hinata POV

Oikawa asked a few more questions about Kenma, while Iwaizumi listened silently, about what position he played and what he was like. We didn't talk for long though because we had to head to the gym, we were gonna play a few practice matches since it was still early in the day.

"Hinata?" Daichi called from across the gym, he looked surprised they all did.

Before I could say anything I was being kept at, hugged from different directions. It was nice until two people I didn't want to see came to hug me.

"Sorry to cut the reunion short but our coach asked to talk to all of us." Oikawa said, grabbing me from the mess of my old teammates hugging me, before Kageyama and Tsukki could join.

"-I'll talk to you guys later..." I said sheepishly as I walked with him to the rest of Aoba Johsai, saying a quick thank you before we reached the huddle.

Karasuno POV

"Hinatas at Seijo!" Nishinoya shouted when their team huddled up, they all felt kind of betrayed.

"Guys I understand how you feel but that's not really important right now, we had been worried about HInata for a while and he's here. Maybe not how we want, but he's here nonetheless." Daichi said he was trying to calm the team, though seeing Hinata with them was still unnerving.

"Did you know about this?!" Tanaka asked

"I knew he was at Aoba Johsai but I didn't know he had joined their team...." Daichi admitted, there was no reason to hide that fact now.

"I knew too...." Suga confessed

"Did anyone else know?" Nishinoya asked but no one said anything.

"Look guys we can talk about this latter but for now we need to focus." Daichi tried again to sooth them, this time it worked a bit but there was still tension there. And there probably would be for a long time, their Hinata was no longer their teammate and alley. Instead at some point he would be standing across from them\, their enemy.

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