Chapter 13: Back To School

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Hinata POV

After Iwaizumi blocked their numbers he gave my phone back to me, saying that if they found a way to contact me to let them know. I simply nodded my head and we went back to walking, they sent worried glances my way every now and then. We had been having a really great time till Tsukki had messaged me, now we were walking in silence. And when we reached school they seemed reluctant to leave me alone even though they knew we had to go to class.

"I'm fine guys...I promise." I said smiling at them, they glanced at each other and then reluctantly left. I walked to class then and went on with the day. It was strange, even with the message this morning I was feeling oddly light, happy even.

Aoba Johsai POV

Kindachi and Kunimi watched as Hinata walked into class. After Oikawa and Iwaizumi ran off the other day, and then missed yesterday along with Hinata, they found it odd to see him walking in. And even odder is that he looks extremely happy. They snuck glances at him through class, and during break their curiosity was too much. They walked over and Hinata smiled at them.

"Hey guys whats up?" They had only talked to him a few times, but he had always been nervous around them and gave short answers to their questions, this time he did not look nervous at all. In fact he looked somewhat happy to see them.

"Hey Hinata..." Kunimi started but ended up at a lost for words

"So Hinata what happened to you yesterday?" Kindachi asked after a second

"What do you mean?" Hinata asked, slightly tilting his head in confusion.

Before they could say anything though a girl ran up and tapped Hinata on the shoulder then told him that he had two people who wanted to talk with him. Kindachi and Kunimi turned to look at the door along with Hinata and a few others around them. Waiting there was Iwaizumi and Oikawa, seeing Hinata get up and leave. And he didn't come back till class was starting.

Hinata POV

Oikawa and Iwaizumi led me down the hall away from others, when I had walked out they noticed everyone looking at us and I guess they wanted to talk privately. When we came to a stop in an abandoned hallway they looked at each other and then back at me, for some reason they were nerves.

"What's wrong?" I asked after a couple minutes of awkward silence.

"Nothings wrong!" Oikawa quickly said holding up his hands defensively.

"Look Hinata...we uh..." Iwaizumi started but he was having issues with whatever he was trying to say, which seemed odd since he never had trouble talking about things.

"Whatever it is you can tell me," what I said shocked them a bit but it shouldn't, they've been there for me and I didnt see why they would think they need to hold back with me.

"Well it's just that we are worried about you walking home by yourself...." Oikawa glanced again at Iwaizumi and then back at me "...and we had wanted to take you home but we have practice after school..."

"You guys don't have to worry I can walk home by myself, I feel bad that you've missed practice a lot already...." I hadn't thought they would be going home with me today, they had volleyball after all, but it was nice that they had wanted to.

"That's not actually what we wanted... you see" Oikawa started to fumble and looked to Iwaizumi for help.

"We wanted to see if you would wait for us to walk you could wait in the gym and watch practice" Iwaizumi looked nervous for my answer, and when I said okay they both let out a sigh of relief.

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