Chapter 25: Going Home

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Aoba Johsai POV

Hanamaki awoke to being prodded in the side, and when he finally woke up he saw Matasukawa grinning. Then he noticed a few others grinning over him too.

"You gotta see this!" Matasukawa said as he grabbed Hanamaki and started pulling him up and then towards the back of the room, the others followed.

He started to grind too, this was just too good. Oikawa and Iwaizumi had scooted over in their sleep and were now sleeping soundly with a squished Hinata between them, who was also sleeping with a happy smile on his face. Hanamaki quickly fetched his phone, snapping a few quick pictures. This was going to be fun. THen once the team all had their fill of laughing quietly, some also took pictures, they started yelling at the sleeping trio. Hinata, to all of their surprise, was the first to wake up. Instantly turning a deep shade of red. Iwaizumi was next groaning at them to shut up, then he opened his eyes and took in the situation, though he hid most of his reaction, and before he could pull away Oikawa woke up. When he noticed how they had been laying he smiled sheepishly and let go turning slightly red. As this played out the team took more photos of the reactions, they had tried to be secretive but Iwaizumi saw and got mad.

"It's not our fault you decided to all lay so cute together." Hanamaki said, moving his phone away as Iwaizumi tried to grab it, Oikawa was failing to grab Matsukawa a bit away.

"Delete them." Iwaizumi frowned at him and crossed his arms.

"What and get rid of how cut Hinata looked between you two, no way!" He saw Hinata blush even darker from the corner of his eye, but the true victory was the slight blush Iwaizumi had.

This had gone on for a while, neither side budding till there was a knock on the door. Kenma Nekomas setter popped his head in, and hesitated when he saw every eye turn to him.

"Um...Shouyou can I talk with you?" He finally managed drawing back even more

"Sure!" Hinata said getting up and bouncing away, happy to leave the chaos around him.

"They seem close..." Matasukawa said he got an annoyed hum from Oikawa as his only response though.

The interruption had made everyone forget about the pictures on the phones, instead they turned to packing up their things because they'd be leaving after lunch. But there was a slightly annoyed buzz in the air at home. Hinata was to Nekomas setter, Oikawa and Iwaizumi not the only ones slightly agitated still by it, but not as much as the others in the room who had just found out. However the annoyance their teammates felt quickly vanished as Hinata came back, having been gone only a short time.

Hinata POV

"I'm sorry I left without saying anything yesterday." Kenma said once we were down the hall

"It's okay I understand, it was kinda weird and you had to get back to your team."

"It wasn't really weird, it just seemed more like a private conversation for you three."

"What do you mean?"

"You still haven't figured it out?" Kenma said after rolling his eyes at me

"Figured what out?"

"Nevermind. Just i'm glad you're okay and if you need me call me." Kenma hugged me and then left, I wasn't surprised that he'd come to say goodbye privately, because even though I wouldn't leave for a few more hours that's just who he is.

When I got back to the room there was an awkward silence, everyone packing quietly. I wondered what had happened to cause it, tempted to ask but decided not to.

"So Hinata you're really close with Nekomas setter." Kunimi said coming over next to me

"Yup Kenma and I are great friends" I smiled brightly

"That's nice," Kunimi said, smiling slightly, he looked like he wanted to say more but decided not to and moved on.

Before I knew it I was saying bye to everyone else and was getting on the bus. It was great to be leaving, I frowned at the thought, I've never been happy about leaving training camp. Then again things were different now, I decided to quickly push that thought away and turned to look out the window, soon falling asleep.

Oikawa POV

"Hajime what is Shouyou to us?" I asked quietly even though everyone was asleep

"What do you mean?" He asked his brows furrowing deeply

"What is he to us? And what are we to him?"

"Were friends?" He said it like a question, unsure of what we were too.

"Are we though? I had thought we were but i'm not sure anymore."

"What brought this about?"

"Kenma found me before we left, he asked what I thought we were to Shouyou and I didnt have an answer...I thought maybe you would."

"I'm not sure either...." He frowned and our eyes traveled to the sleeping redhead.

SHouyou had started out as an adversary across the court. Then he became someone we wanted to be our teammate as he switched schools, when we knew something was wrong he became someone to help. And slowly we had become friends and teammates. But what now, our relationship wasn't that of friendship was it? I didn't think so. I love seeing him smiling and laughing, loved the way he had blushed as me and Hajime teased him, and how he felt he could trust us. He felt safe with us, and he had soothed us like we had him. This wasn't friendship, but more. And I knew Hajime felt the same.

"I think we're falling in love with him." I said softly and he nodded agreeing.

Iwaizumi POV

Tooru was right. They loved Shouyou. Just thinking it made him want to burst with joy, to smile and laugh. But he didn't, he remained calm like always. He just stared at the sleeping ginger and thought. Though soon he wasn't happy with just staring, and apparently neither was Tooru as he got up and picked Shouyou up. Bringing him back and placing him on our laps, Shouyou's eyes only fluttered briefly before he closed them smiling. It would be hell to pay when the others woke up and saw, but for now none of us cared. We just fell asleep. Tooru and I leaned on each other while we both held Souyou. 

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