Chapter 32: Unknown Number

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Aoba Johsai POV

"Okay what's wrong with you two?" Matsukawa asked at lunch.

The team had noticed that Oikawa and Iwaizumi were off, well most of the team excluding a little oblivious ginger who believed his boyfriends when they said they were great. The two had been acting weird for a few days, they hadn't left Hinata's side and their heads were constantly looking around, as if they were looking for someone.

"Nothings wrong." Oikawa grinned, but no one was fooled

"Hinatas not here so drop the act, no one is buying that bullshit." Hanamaki said, the others nodded "So tell us why you two have been glued to the ginger the last few days."

Oikawa and Iwaizumi shared a look. Then glanced around to make sure they were right about HInata not being around, and once they had confirmed it they leaned in.

"The other night I got a text from Tobio..." Oikawa whispered, they were at lunch and didn't want others to hear "He made it clear that they weren't giving up...a-and they..."

"They sent some rather horrible pictures..." Iwaizumi finished for him, they reached their hands out and then held each other tightly, they both were thinking of what they had seen.

"Pictures of what?" Kunimi asked, not understanding

"Of them, doing thing to Shouyou" Iwaizumi hand clinched

"Do things...." Kunimi sayed softly, looking down as he tried to connect the thought, and when he did he looked up and sadly took in the others who made the same connection.

"Does Hinata know that they..." Kindaichi asked

"No and he doesn't need to, he's been through enough." Iwaizumi said sending his team a glare, they knew it meant that they weren't supposed to tell him and all nodded in agreement.

Before they could say more they saw Hinata had arrived, his friends from class around him. He was smiling and laughing at something someone said. They all quickly changed topics, knowing any second he'd be over to the table. And they were right, Hinata said goodbye to his friends and bounded their way.

"Hey guys!" He said taking the open seat between Iwaizumi and Kyotani

"Hey Hinata, how did your math test go?" Matsukawa asked and the ginger frowned

"I'm not sure, it was really hard.." Hinata looked at his bento frowning more

"I'm sure you did better than you think." Kunimi said drawing his eyes "You have been doing pretty well on the homeworks, and almost all the questions were from them."

"That's because Tooru and Hajime always help me with my homework." Hinata said and then blushed deeply, he normally only calls them by name when they're alone, the rest of the team smiled at this and laughed.

"Really what great senpai's you have, isn't that right Tooru and Hajime?" Hanamaki smiled

"It's only natural to help our boyfriend out." Oikawa stated proudly, but there was a dust of pink across his cheeks causing the team to laugh at him.

With everyone laughing at him, Oikawa started pouting fakely and leaned on Iwaizumi saying that the team was being mean to him, which only made them laugh more. And when Oikawa found no solace in Iwaizumi he went to Hinata, kneeling next to him and hugging him around the waist. The ginger turned red again, as he patted Oikawa on the head while laughing slightly.

"Oikawa you have to let go now, I have to get back to class." Hinata said trying to pry Oikawa off

"Not till you call me Tooru again." Oikawa said squeezing him tighter

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