Chapter 27: Ready To Talk

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Oikawa POV

When Shouyou asked if we would come with him we had immediately said yes. On Friday he had gotten a message from Suga asking how he was, and after talking with us, he decided he was ready to talk with them. So the next day we went to the agreed upon cafe. Shouyou was sitting between Iwaizumi and I, bouncing nervously in his seat waiting. He only calmed down once Suga and Daichi walked in and then came towards the table, we picked on in the far back for a little privacy.

"Sorry for making you wait." Suga said coming in with Daichi shortly behind him

"No worries, we just got him a bit ago." Iwaizumi smiled as they sat across from us.

We waited to talk as we ordered, and then got our drinks. Exchanging small plesantries till they arrived. The waitress seemed to linger longer than necessary before finally leaving. And then we sat quietly, waiting for Shouyou to start.

"So um..." He started looking down "I'm sure you have questions. I'm not really sure what to say so....maybe you could just ask what you want to know and uh I could answer them?"

"Okay.." Suga nodded, he reached out like he was going to take his hand but changed his mind and brought his hand back, "Okay well I guess..." he looked at Daichi for help

"How did it all start is what he's trying to ask..." Daichi said solemnly

"Well it started after we lost to Seijo at the of the times it was our turn to clean up the gym.." his voice was quiet replying, he was afraid of how they would react.

Suga's hand flew to his mouth, as he realized how long he'd been suffering, Daichi had remained somewhat calm but I could see the anger boiling under his calm features. Not anger at Shouyou, maybe not even completely agree with the other boys. He was angry with himself, for not noticing and not stopping it.

Hinata POV

I answered the same questions over and over again. Every time I told someone else they all asked the same thing. When did it happen, why haven't I told anyone, am I okay, and so many others. Though they were the same things i'd already answered, each question cause me to hurt. You'd think after answering it many times it wouldn't hurt you anymore. But no, it still did. So I sat there, explaining to them about what happened. Crying as they all tried to calm me.

"Hinata.." Suga was hugging me "I'm so sorry, I'm sorry I didn't see something was wrong. I'm sorry we weren't there to protect you. I'm so sorry." He has started crying too.

"It's okay have nothing to be sorry for." I hugged him tightly back and then let go.

"What do we do from here?" Daichi asked then, looking more towards Iwaizumi and Oikawa then at me "About them.."

He wanted to know what to do about Tsukishima and Kageyama. What to do about what they did. I wanted to know what to do, and while they all had ideas about what might be right, it wasn't really right to do anything. Some might believe that they needed to pay, i'm not sure about that. For now I wanted to put them as far away from mind as possible.

"Shouyou doesn't want to do anything about it." Oikawa said he knew how I felt, they both did.

"Okay...." Daichi nodded, he seemed to think differently but he agreed.

"Just make sure they stay far far away." Iwaizumi added, there was a mean glint in his eyes

"They will." Daichi promised. "So about the rest of the tea-"

"I don't want them to know" I cut him off "I'm sorry but I don't."

"Okay" he and suga both agreed nodding

We talked a bit more, our conversation turning away from what had happened. Suga asked how things were, and about what I was doing now. But too soon they had to leave, they had to catch the train to go home. So we walked them to the station and said goodbye, I waved till the train pulled away.

"You know you'll have to tell the others eventually right?" Oikawa said on the way to my house.

"Yeah, but i'm not ready for them to know yet." I looked at the ground and said "I hadn't really wanted Daichi and Suga knowing either but they kinda saw it happen so..."

"Why don't you want tall people?" Iwaizumi asked

"I just don't want to talk about it. I'm afraid they'll look at me differently."

"Different how?" Oikawa stopped tugging on my arm so id stopped too

"It doesn't matter can we just go..." I said trying to start walking, but Oikawa pulled me back

"No. How are you?" He wasn't going to let this slide

"I don't want to talk about it can we just go"

"No we cant, how do you think they'll look at you"

"You saw the look Daichi and uUga gave me, like I was broken. And maybe I am! I don't want anyone else to know, to see me that way" I was angry, why did they have to push me to tell them, I didn't want to.

Iwaizumi POV

Shouyou saw himself as broken, and he thought others saw him that way too once they knew. He had healed physically, but he was still having issues with this. Oikawa and I hadn't even considered it, hadn't even thought that he would struggle mentally with this. After all he hadn't cut himself since we found the blades, sure I took them away but he could have gotten more easily. He also had not had any more nightmares. We thought he was moving past it, but others finding out had halted all our progress.

"You're not broken. And no one sees you that way." Oikawa grabbed his shoulders and forced Shouyou to look at him in the eyes "Why would you even think that?"

He remained silent, and looked down away from Oikawa's gaze. He didn't want to answer, and I doubted that he would.

"Did they say something to you at the camp?" I asked, not needing to explain who they were, and he shook his head no. "Have they said something like that to you though?" When he flinched I knew I was right.

"What did they say?" Oikawa voice was softer now, losing the edge it had earlier

"They said...they had said before...that I was broken and that no one would want someone like me...that after all that they had done....that I was disgusting and...that I was lucky that I had them...because no one would want me..." He started crying softly halfway through, and was gragging his hand furriously across his facet to stop the tears.

"That's not true!" OIkawa hands went to his cheeks, wiping away the tears "You're not broken or disgusting. You're so many things, but not those never those."

"Are you sure?" Shouyou sniffled

"Of course we're sure." I said coming up and wrapping an arm around his shoulder.

"Your amazing person Shouyou, what those two did and said to you was horrible. And you shouldn't let their hateful words and actions bother you."

"Okay..thank you guys..i'm sorry"

"What are you sorry for?" I was confused, he hadn't done anything wrong

"For crying again, and for getting angry at you guys when you were trying to help."

"That's nothing to be sorry for, now let's go back to your house." Oikawa grabbed one on his hands, pulling him as he started walking again, Shouyou smiled and then reached for mine. Hand in hand the three of us walked to Shouyou's house, Oikawa and I had started staying over on the weekends to play volleyball and hang out. At first it was because we didn't want him to be alone, now it was because we didn't want to be without him.

Standing Back Up (Haikyuu Fanfiction)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon