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     I often thought that if I had a voice, I would be a singer. It is a great way to express oneself. But I do not so I will stick to the writing. Music is anyway way more expressive then writing because you can put your soul in your voice too, not just in the lyrics. But I will do my best with the lyrics part, in my case, with the chapters. Eminem is another musical best friend. I have a total of five. He is the one I know for the longest time. I remember playing with a ball of thread with my brother like some sort of handball where I was the goalkeeper. I was six or seven years old and I remember hearing Eminem's song When I am gone. I enjoyed it a lot even though I had no idea what the song was about. Unlike Linkin Park, Eminem is more of the motivational type. His life itself is highly motivational: his father left him, his mother was an addict so he had problems with drugs too, he was bullied heavily during his school days, he dealt with poverty, his best friend was killed and so on. He became my idol, a role model to look up to. It was lovely listening to him before an important football game in school or before taking an exam. As I got better with my English level, it was even better to understand his lyrics. Lose Yourself, Till I Colapse, Sing For The Moment Not Afraid are always good examples of songs that can give you a boost confidence. The fact the he puts it all in his lyrics made me had goosebumps a lot of times.

But I want to talk about mental health side because he also has relatable songs for a person like me similar to the ones that helped me a lot from Linkin Park. Legacy from The Marshall Mathers LP II album (2013) is my favorite when it comes to emotions. I could listen to it and was so dear to me when I had my first panic attack back in my 10th grade because I had to put up with a bully. It is always a nice feeling to feel comfort through lyrics. Another song that has a huge emotional impact for me is Beautiful from Relapse album (2009) When I saw it on TV first I was pretty young around the age of twelve, again, I didn't know what it means. I just enjoyed how it sounded. It became my favorite after I discovered and understood the lyrics. The best part from my point of view of the song is its end. This is not about lyrics, but the spoken message:


So put 'em on and wear 'em, be yourself, man
Be proud of who you are, even if it sounds corny
Never let no one tell you you ain't beautiful"

Again, one of the words I cannot stand: corny. (No, of course it is not corny! It is beautiful! ) But let's not get distracted and get back on track. I also find Eminem's love for his daughters very touchy. He has a tattoo with one of them (Hailey) on his arm and made songs for them such as Mockingbird or When I am gone, the song that got me into listening him. After I read the lyrics from Mockingbird I got wet eyes.

The last of his song I will talk about is Guts over fear feat. Sia. (I am not much into Pop music but I enjoy Sia a lot, again, for the same emotional reason, meaning her lyrics. After I read a bit about her life, my respect for her grew even higher). The video goes very well with the lyrics for this song, a sad and motivational story of a boxer. The album ties into the movie Southpaw (2015).

To wrap it all up, these three songs helped me the most from Eminem's discography when I felt low. I hope by checking them out they will have positive effects on you too, whether you like rap or not. All these three songs have something in common: the first two verses are emotional, the last one motivational. So by the end of these songs, you go both through feeling understood and feeling powerful to overcome the pain. Feeling understood is extremely important to me. Without it, positive and motivational thoughts or lyrics can seem sugarcoating. 

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