Bring Me The Horizon

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     Seeing them live was a dream that came true. I spent 24 hours of the 48 hours of that weekend in trains but it was worth it. I had arrived there along with a friend of mine three hours earlier. It happened at the famous festival, Electric Castle in 2019. I went there just to see them. Before they played, on another stage, I also could see While She Sleeps perform. I knew this band because they had a song with the lead singer of Bring Me The Horizon, Oliver Sykes that I enjoyed. I did not know any of their songs. Nonetheless, it was a great experience. They are a solid metal band. To everyone's surprise, they also had a short tribute for Chester Bennington, and they performed a part of Linkin Park's song called One step closer. Soon after they finished, we rushed towards the main stage. Only one hour left before they were scheduled to sing. Luckily, we stayed pretty close to the scene, like in the fifth row. The excitement and anticipation in that hour were incredible. I enjoyed every part of that: staff members setting up the stage, seeing from time to time a member of the band, basically, all that process. It was the shortest hour of my life. And then... it happened! A short voice message that started the concert and promoted their latest album followed by the members of the band appearing and finishing with the lead singer's: Romania! Are you ready?! 3, 2, 1 GO! " . Next thing I knew, I cried. First time I had ever cried of joy. And I was not even aware of it! But something made me keep blinking and I realized I was crying after some seconds. It was pretty crowded out there so it took me some time to wipe the tears so that I can see something again. I had the chance to listen most of my favorite songs and see my favorite band live (both Bring Me The Horizon and Twentyonepilots are on the number one spot, I cannot make a difference between them).

After I had found out about the band, I also found out that they were once in Romania, at a previous Electric Castle, so the chances to have them again in my country were small. That added to the excitement of seeing them live. In every day of the following two weeks, I watched some moments I captured with my phone at the concert, both pictures and some shorts clips. At times, I could not believe it is from my phone and not from TV or Youtube. Do not get me wrong, I am against standing with the phone at the concert filming instead of actually enjoying the thing. Though, to my defense, I filmed like five minutes in total. I knew I did not do it to brag about it to others or to post Instagram stories with them, but to be able to relive those moments that made so happy again. Even when I made some shorts video, I was not look at my phone but at the concert so I did not lose anything from it. I was also so happy to show those pictures and videos to my mom after I got home.

How I knew about the band? Well, I knew only one song from back when I enjoyed just rap, meaning 10th grade. A close person to me at that time who was into rock music and had a cover at her Facebook page with some lyrics of them showed me a song, Can you feel my heart. That cover was the chorus of this song. Even though it has been more than for years, I remember how it started: "I like the message from your cover, it is deep." She replied:" It is not big deal, it is from a song I like" and she sent me that song. We often changed music impressions: she gave me rock songs, I gave her rap songs. I liked the song, especially the beat. It was catchy but not enough to make me get into rock music or into the band. I have still not answered the question, or only partially. This answered how I knew about the band, but from knowing a single song to that band being your favorite one is a long road.

Some years later, surfing on Youtube, I found an episode of Elders react to. It is a pretty popular type of show where people in their middle age or even older react to popular artists and bands. On one of their episodes, they reacted to Bring Me The horizon so I was curious to know how they would react to the only song I knew from them. They were three or four examples of songs, but Can you feel my heart was not included. But those songs were enough to make me search for more. Thanks to them I began to adore breakdowns (musical breakdowns specific to metalcore, not emotional breakdowns but... I will talk about them soon too).

How did Bring Me The Horizon become my favorite band? Similarly to Linkin Park and Twentyonepilots, the reason was the emotion I felt through music thanks to them. I said that Twentyonepilots has the deepest lyrics I know. Well, Bring Me The Horizon has the most emotional ones, if we exclude their first two albums which were deathcore. I pointed out the beautiful growth of popularity of Twentyonepilots, now I feel like pointing out the successful transition Bring Me The Horizon made from a deathcore band with unintelligible lyrics to a pop-rock one. After Linkin Park and Twentyonepilots, another band helped me with my wounds.

After all, if you repeat a song for too much, it loses a little bit of its impact, no matter how good it is or how close you are to it, so the more songs you can relate to, the better. I feel the need to be more specific about the reason why I call all these three bands and Eminem best friends. It is not an exaggeration. Of course, I have people that I get along with well but I could not tell them when I felt depressed about my problems, I felt like they would not understand. I know them quite well. They have been my friends since I was seven years old. And I know they are not the emotional type, or people who go through same emotional struggles as I did. I felt I could only be heard, but not at all understood. These bands did this though. Not only I felt my emotions understood, but I also understood them better. Talking about depression, anxiety and other such problems is not a negative thing. I do not understand why some people have this belief. For me, these bands, because they addressed these problems helped more than an army of psychologists could have ever helped. When you are feeling bad, you cannot just be positive. I have a history of crying to some Bring Me The Horizon's songs. I even wanted to. I wanted to feel it all so that I would stop holding inside these emotions. I wanted them released. I cried, of course, because the situation in the song described accurately how I felt and it all meant too much. This" release" thing is not that simple. It really hurts. It does not work like" Ok. You cried over this thing, now it is over". So it might not solve much, but it is anyway better than feeling like crying but without being able to. Bring Me The Horizon was the band that meant the most to me when I needed help the most. As I mentioned about Tyler Joseph, I am glad that Oliver Sykes got over his worst period of his life too. I hope they won't ever have to go through hopeless moments again. This idea goes for everyone out there. It came to my mind that in one of Bring Me The horizon's songs there is also a spoken message, this time, unlike Eminem's part, it is at the beginning of the song called Hospital for Souls .

These three bands I talked about so far have some connections: Linkin Park inspired Bring Me The Horizon, Oliver Sykes sang Crawling at Linkin Park and Friends honor Life in the memory of Chester Bennington and Bring Me The Horizon said about their last album that they would like it to sound like Twentyonpilots when asked about their transition from deathcore and metalcore to their new sound. If you listen to one band but do not yet listen to the others, I recommend you to. I find hard to believe that you can like one but do not like another because they have many similarities, especially when it comes to their subjects of their songs. So far, these best friends I talked about were in the order I know them, expect for Linkin Park. I started with them first now to think about it because I got emotional on how much music meant to me and naturally, Chester Bennington came to my mind. My last best friend I will talk about and the most recent one is a rapper. So, my first musical best friend was Eminem, later came these three dear rock bands, and now another rapper closes this cycle.

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