Physical appearance

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     First of all, men should look strong. Women should be very thin and men, unless they are ripped, should be solid. I weight around 150 pounds and I am 1.8 m. tall. I try to eat as healthy as I can, I was in gym for like one year and a half and now I do physical exercises at home (planks). I feel very good about my weight and most importantly, about my health. Somehow, there is this thought that I should weight more in order to look more solid. My weight does not make me manly enough even though I am proud of my strength. Maybe women think that men should be solid to inspire them physical protection? This is the only reason that comes to my mind right now about this weight thing. The problem is that men have the same mindset about this too. I measured my weight this year when I made the medical visit in order to get hired. I was very surprised that I was 150 pounds because in my last four-five years I was 140 pounds. I told this to my parents. I was fooling around that I got fat even though I was still fit. My dad told me "C'mon now, you are 21 years old, you weight only 150 pounds. You should be more like a man! Will you be like this forever? ". So even though I am fit and healthy, I still do not meet the standards of a man.

Another important physical feature of a man is the beard. Men with beards are hotter, right? Plus, if they have beard, they look older, and somehow if you are look older you are automatically more mature. Age does not define maturity though and having a beard does not suddenly give you life experience. Like I said in the paragraph above, women should be thin and men should be solid by society's standards. Society also tells us that the younger a woman is, the better. Meanwhile, men are more attractive if they are older. I assume being in your late 20's or early 30's is perfect for a man. I am strongly against all the commercials about products that make women look younger. Years cannot be taken back. If you are 40, why would you try so hard to look like 30? For men, this process is reversed. Men try to look older because they would be more attractive. Anything a person does to be more physical attractive in the others' eyes does not make sense to me anyway. We should all have other priorities. Sugar daddies though are highly valuable these days. Posts like" I am at the age where I can date you and your daddy" get tens of thousands likes and shares. But that is not sexist at all, because "it is just a joke" (well, more or less). I suppose this trend started because of the prejudice that men are immature by default. The older a man is, the better are the chances for him to be more mature. I am not very advantaged by these trends. I am 21 but look like I am 18. How immature of me! I can hardly get a beer without being asked if I am 18. So, I look like I am 17 more exactly. Even the security man from the airport in Luton was surprised and told me I do not look like I am 21 when he asked me about my age. Maybe I should grow a beard like the famous NBA Houston Rocket's player James Harden has. He is even dubbed "the beard". That should do the trick.

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