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     I did not dot at all as much as I expected! My important thoughts came to an end. I had moments when I finished a chapter then came back at it some days later to add new ideas, or ideas that I wanted to write but I forgot. It feels weird to be this open when I am such a private person but I do not feel uncomfortable. On the contrary, I feel good. It feels like having a deep conversation with future best friends. Gloria Steinem has this beautiful quote:" The final stage of healing is using what happens to you to help other people. That is healing in itself ". Well, I do not know if I am at my last stage of healing, but I hope that it will help as many people as possible. I am not a psychologist, what I wrote in this book are not facts. I may see some things from a wrong point of view. I just tried to use my experiences and my knowledge in order to help others who might have felt like me and also to let other people know that they are not alone because they feel or think in a certain way. I was as honest as possible and also, very natural, maybe too natural. I know some of my chapters are way bigger than others. Some have sub-chapters, others do not. But I won't force anything. I no longer try to make everything perfect. I have been doing it most my life. It was just a big reason of stress. Doing your best is always as perfect as it can get and I did my best writing this. If I chose a subject to talk about, it means that it was important enough for me and I wanted to address it. I won't swap the chapter's order. I also won't change lines just because I might have others that seem better when I read the book. I do not care what chapter would have been better to be the first or with which one to end it. This was the order of my thoughts so it will stay like it in this book. Special thanks to all the people that made time to read the introduction that I gave them because I was excited by writing this book. Special thanks also to the journalist that convinced me to write my thoughts down. I cannot make a thanking list without thinking about my family. I cannot wait to translate this to you! Because of you, my mental health is more than fine. Special thanks to you too, reader! Thanks you for time. I am humbled by the thought that people I do not know read what I had to say.

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