XLV. Douglas

13 0 0

Sunday, 14th February 1932

Dear Diary,

Now that my workload is a lot lighter without my academic life interfering my duties, I now put my focus on being the Chief of Staff, and Alexander's Private Secretary. It was not as heavy as one would think it would be, considering I would have two different piles of paperwork to give Alexander as his private secretary, one would be his royal responsibility, and the other is Regius Obligatus. His royal paperwork is considerably less than Regius Obligatus, as it is just a fraction of what he must do as the Director-General. Or that is what I believe it to be. I am told that there will be a weekly correspondent telegram from Winston Churchill to Alexander regarding the political situation worldwide where he analyzes the situations, breaking it down for Alexander. Considering Alexander has now started the expansion process of Regius Obligatus to both Asia and Oceania, I will be over foreseeing that. Anyways, in terms of Absconditus Custos, shorten as A.C., Alexander had told me that he will oversee that himself, as it is the new department. As there were no talks in regards to either the Head or the Deputy... I do have reasons to believe that Alexander is thinking of overseeing this department himself.

I was busy with all this paperwork for the expansion, while Alexander, Isabelle, Hugo and Colette are on their dates. For Alexander and Isabelle, it's no surprise. But Hugo and Colette? Who would have known that they were a thing? But the more important question is: when where they a thing?

Now, the answer to that is not important. I must now pack up, as I would figure that tomorrow will be a long day.


Thursday, 31st March 1932

It was lunchtime as I headed to the dining hall, knowing that Alexander and his group of friends would be there. I held the Red Box close to me, where it contains Alexander's Royal and Regius Obligatus Papers. I entered the dining hall and scanned the dining hall for Alexander. I spotted Alexander and his friends and made my way there.

I grab a chair and set it down next to Alexander, interrupting the conversation.

"Sorry for your interruption, but, there has been a development, Your Highness," I said as I set the Red Box on the table, looking at Alexander. Alexander nodded and stood, excusing himself. Alexander started walking, and I stood, nodded and followed him, bringing the box with me.

After arriving in his apartment, we sat in his office. I opened the Red Box and handed him the summary. Alexander read it before looking up at me.

"The bases in Asia and Oceania are already this far ahead?" He asked, and I nodded.

50% finished for bases in both Asia and Oceania as updated yesterday.

"Any news on Absconditus Custos, sir?" I asked. He shook his head.

"Well, I have a proposal for Winston. Send it to him, will you? Confidential and urgent," Alexander told me, and I nodded as he went to take it. Alexander hands it to me, in an envelope - sealed with the Royal Seal of the Duke of Cambridge.

We were finished with the papers from the box once lunch was over.

"You need to head to class," I reminded him after a glance at my watch.

"I know," Alexander said, getting up and grabbing the necessary things before heading to class. The rest of the day, I would spend working on being the Chief of Staff, coordinating different training programs into Regius Obligatus, not seeing much of the rest of the Senior leadership team, Isabelle and Colette. 

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