XCVI. Hugo

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Thursday, 10th November 1938

After the usual morning run from 4 to 5:30 AM with Alexander, a routine that had been developed ever since 1928, which became embedded into our daily schedule. After a shower and all, Alexander and I would usually meet up in the library at 6 AM, just to discuss Regius Obligatus business.

The day started out as normal, like any other day, but when we were supposed to discuss Regius Obligatus, Alexander was unusually quiet, as if there was nothing to say in this moment of time. Any matters regarding Regius Obligatus, besides certain topics, he is very vocal about it. But, today, he's just sitting there in his chair in the library, fidgeting with the engagement ring that he made for Isabelle, contemplating. He would occasionally open and close it as if he was bored. Alexander looks bored, but I can't really crack his mind to see what he is truly thinking. He is an enigma.

"Alexander," I said, trying to get his attention. He didn't seem to notice that I called his name.

"Love is a smoke rais'd with the fume of sighs;/Being purg'd, a fire sparkling in lovers' eyes;/Being vex'd, a sea nourish'd with lovers' tears," Alexander stated, and it seems that despair is in his tone as he recited a short excerpt from Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. I just stared at him.

"Romeo and Juliet. Act I, scene I. Romeo said that," I stated, as I thought 'Since when did he just start spouting out Shakespeare? But it is Alexander, so there's no surprise there.'

"Indeed," Alexander replied, as he put the engagement ring back into the box.

"You know, you can't run away from the proposal. If you wait, she'll be scooped up by another," I said, sounding incredibly worried. Especially, for his mental state if Alexander got rejected by the love of his life.

"I know," Alexander muttered, as he closed the box, with some sort of finality in his voice, "It's just... I'm not sure when's the right time."

I sighed.

"There are no right times for you, aren't there. First, Valentine's Day, and second, her birthday. When do you want to do it? Hm? Christmas, or what?" I asked as I looked at him, confronting him about it. Alexander looked at me as he set the box aside on the table.

"I- Well..." Alexander replied, sighing. It's the most distraught version of him that I have ever seen.

"You're extremely worried, aren't you," I asked. No. It wasn't even a question, it's more of a statement. Alexander sighed and nodded.

"I've been in denial in front of everyone, even Papa and Winston. In front of you, I can't pretend to be in denial," Alexander stated, sounding slightly distraught, yet his face showed confliction.

"Indeed. You know, you can't hide your true feelings, right?" I replied, smirking slightly, just to cheer him a bit. He laughed a bit.

"Indeed," He replied, "She means a lot to me, and it pains me to get rejected by her."

"Hm," I stated before being silent for a moment, thinking, "For you, it's painful to love her."

Alexander looked at me, curious, never having heard that term before.

"There's a lot of chemistry between you and Isabelle. Hence, denial," I explained in simple terms, "You, of course, have a hand in all the traditions shared between the two of you."

"What traditions?"

I look at him in disbelief.

'We've been through this already...' I thought as I frowned, thinking that he somehow had forgotten the conversation we had.

"Let's name them shall we? One, Valentine's Day. Two, visiting her in Paris, on her birthday, and ditching school. Three, the occasional visits to Paris for Christmas," I replied.

"Oh..." Alexander said, with realization.

"Not to mention the fact that you're drooling all over her when you visit Paris, and our time here at Cambridge," I continued. Alexander just sighed.

"Anyway, anything new about our dear friend, Hitler?" Alexander asked, with hints of sarcasm, changing the subject. I took the papers that were just laying on the table and looked through it.

"Hm..." I muttered before I stopped and looked at a particular report. Alexander notices my expression.

"What is it?" He asked. I handed the report to him. Alexander looks at it then to me, looking surprised.

"Yeah," I replied. The rest of the day consists of the two of us talking about it, putting the issue of Alexander's love for Isabelle aside.

Friday, 23rd December 1938

Alexander and I would be celebrating Christmas this year in Paris. For Alexander's sake. It was agreed by several members of Parliament, Cabinet, Winston, and the King.

We are lounging around in the library, now that it's in the evening as we had arrived in Paris earlier today. Both of us would talk about different things that don't concern both Isabelle and politics. Besides, what else can we talk about? War and politics?

We then immediately talk about our respective duties, something that just popped in my mind just moments ago. As the evening wears on, both of us just discuss random things after our respective duties. Once we realized it was getting quite late, both of us just left the library, without saying a word to another because if we do, we might get one another strangled as tension for tomorrow just spiked.

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