XLVIII. Antony

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Friday, 26th August 1932

Dear Diary,

According to my brother, he is now two weeks into his third year of attending the University of Cambridge for his PhDs. Now, there has been too much attention on him when he's back because I rarely see him since he has an academic life and the life of the Duke of Cambridge. Alexander is popping in and out of my life, ever since he has an academic life, besides the life of duty through his military service.

Anyway, my life has been great so far, considering I have less work than my brother. Yes, I may have a lot of different lessons under my belt, but it's staggered throughout the week. And yes, my brother may be third in line, but I am fourth in line, which saves me the necessary need for a more tailored education that is more reserved for my elder brother. At least, in my point of view, I get to have a posher lifestyle, as I don't see the need to have the burden of becoming the heir apparent or anything.

But... Reality hit, and Grandfather had given me the title of Dukedom of Buckingham. A shocker, I know. Considering it has been extinct for centuries. Oh, look... Who just became his elder brother for a moment?


Friday, 30th September 1932

Dear Diary,

It's been a month since my brother is back in school. It's a bit boring... Considering there are no debates in linguistics that we both have like we normally would during the summer and Christmas holidays (except for when he is away, on his Royal engagements through state visits to other nations and other important engagements, like domestic visits to other cities), everything is just a tad bit dull now whenever I have French and Latin lessons. Alexander and I would usually have a lot of debates, and I must say... I bite more than I can chew.

Just an update, considering Alexander and I have letters back and forth.


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