Chapter 8

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3rd POV

Location: Vampire Empire capital city

man: Your Majesty. I have completed the mission. Unfortunately, it seems we have angered the target.

Majesty: It doesn't matter. He will come to us and I will force him to be my slave.

man: Your Majesty, are you sure about this?

Majesty: You dare oppose my will?

man: No... I would never dare.

Majesty: Then get ready. Bring him here alive. No matter the cost.

man: As you command.

The man left the throne room.

Majesty: I am going to enjoy this.


I have dropped down the commander I was carrying and rushed where System pinned the enemy base

Gob: System, How were you beaten?

System: I was focusing on protecting the others and was surprised.

Gob: And why wasn't I able to see the man's name and stats?

System: He must be a well trained and high levelled spy. Spies learn how to seal their stats.

Gob: I see.

System. Master, Be careful. Vampires are dangerous even if you are stronger then them.

Gob: System, please train the others to raise their Lvl. In the future, similar attacks may occur and we must make sure they can protect themselves.

System: As you command Master.

I rushed forward. After hours of running, I saw something in front of me. It was a large number of fireballs. The fireballs merged into one and the giant ball of flame was flying at me.

Gob: "Railgun".

The ball vanished and fire blades were flying at me. I jumped up and the flame arms were dodged. However, as I landed I turned back and noticed that the flaming blades were following me.

Gob: "Thunder Punch"

I hit the first blade and it vanished. Many have vanished with my first blow so as they got close I punched them. As I finished with the last ones I continued my running towards my pinned location. Suddenly blue and red runes in circles appeared around the area. The runes started spinning in a circle in front of me. The circle started shrinking. With a glow, it turned into a figure. The figure was at least 3 meters tall. It slowly turned into a human. His eyes changed their colours. Once red once blue.

Gob: And what are you?

The men jumped up and where he jumped up from the ground was burned yet frozen. He landed next to me and my leg burned yet froze.

Gob: "Thunder Kick".

I kicked his head off, yet it reappeared.

Gob: In that case. "Railgun"!

Its whole body got destroyed but I saw as it started to rematerialise so I decided to run forward.

3rd POV

Vampire castle

man: Your Majesty. The target is near. What do you want us to do with him?

Majesty: No matter what, do NOT kill him. He will be MY slave.

Man: As you wish. I shall...

The door to the throne room blew up and a man without a shirt walked in. The ground around he cracked as he walked in.

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