Chapter 10

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After the fight with Jesus, I lost consciousness and found myself in a strange cell-like room. It had a small window which was reinforced by bars. The door was closed and was chained. I looked around and saw a bed in the room.

Gob: Am I dead?

???: No, you are not dead. YET.

Gob: Who are you? Where are you? And where am I?

???: You will get your answers but first, let me ask you something... Why are you so weak?

Gob: What?

???: Why were you beaten so easily? Do you want to give up your life? Do you want your friends to die?


???: Then get the hold of yourself and focus. Think straight.

3rd POV

Lingino reaches her destination, Demblore. She walked to the gate and saw that five girls were training. One of them looked like a teacher but was about the same age as the other four. The teacher noticed Lingino and the five girls walked over to her.

System: So you are Lingino... My name is System.

They introduced but System was staring at Lingino with a serious look.

System: What have happened after you have left our Master behind?

Lingino: I don't know. He ordered me to come here.


A large explosion occurred somewhere in the forest. It was an electric explosion. A sudden sound came from the forest after the dust calmed down. It sounded like a very fast thing. A man with a destroyed arm appeared. He was wearing burned cloth and he had a few burns on his chest. The man smiled as he looked at the town.

Man: He put up more fight then I assumed.

Lingino and System grabbed the others and rushed into the town.

System: Who the heck is he and who is he talking about?

Lingino: I have a feeling he is the one who wanted to speak with Gob.

System: Are you implying that...

Lingino: He has quite some damage so I assume.

While they were chatting the man approached the wall. From the wall, a soldier looked down.

Soldier: Who are you?

man: I am here to destroy this town.

Soldier: Hah, don't ma...

A stone paddle destroyed the soldier's head. The body fell down and the man kicked it into the wall, the wall was cracked due to this.

About twenty soldiers were watching. As their friend was kicked into the wall They aimed at the newcomer and fired at him. Each and every arrow were sent back to the sender.

man: Its time to say you're goodbye. You are DONE FOR!

A light ball appeared in his palm and is started to gain size. It reached the extent of its caster.

Man: And now D...

An orange beam destroyed his white ball and jaw. The beam came from his right. The man looked to his right.

Man: You are truly strong. Gob Rendbe.

System and the others were watching the man from a further part of the wall.

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