Chapter 16

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3rd POV

Don and his group left Gob and Ace soon he arrived at the gate and met up with Slyt.

Don: We are the last ones.

Slyt: Where is Wenly?

Don: I don't know. I haven't seen her since she left the castle.

Slyt: WHat could have happened to her?

Don: I don't know.

Sylt: Unfortunately I must follow my Master's orders so I can't go and find her so please go this way.

The two of them entered the room full of runes. Soon they got to Layer6 and met up with the others.

Ilri: Where are Master and Wenly?

Don: I don't know, unfortunately. You should go and take some rest. You have been working really hard the whole day. Gob is very strong. He will definitely be fine and he will probably find Wenly as well.

Slyt: Yeah. You are right. He is the strongest men on the planet.

In the dragonoid capital food were given to everyone to help them. The girls took their own portion and found a place to sleep on the street and fell asleep. The next morning they went to the gate and waited for their master and friend to return. Soon System and Lingino arrived.

Erli: How did it go?

System: They said they will help us but they are lacking manpower at the moment.

Lingino: Where are Master and Wenly?

Ilri: They...haven't returned yet from Layer3.

System: I am sure Master is fine and Wenly is probably with him.

System and Lingino walked next to their friends and sat down. None of them spoken till the night came.

System: They must be very busy.

Soon they fell asleep. The next morning they were waking up by Don who brought some food for them to eat.

Don: It must be hard, but you know that your master will come back to you.

A large explosion occurred not too far from them. from the crater, five-person stepped out. One of them was a demihuman. He was half-lion. A two-bladed sword was on his back. The other was a vampire. He had two individual swords on his side and a shield on his back. The third was a dragonoid. He had a large chain mace on his back. The forth was a werewolf. She had two axes on her back The last one was a magicalbeastonoid. The being had no head. Her eyes, mouth, nose and ears were on its chest. She was the largest person from the five of them. And she had four arms. Two katanas and two sledgehammers were on its back. They walked closer to the group and the vampire stepped forward.

vampire: Nice to meet you yet again. Ilri, Erli.

Ilri: Lord Liligorna?

Erli: Are you here to hurt our Master?

Ilri: We won't let you harm him.

Liligorna: It seems you still remember who I am.

Don: Wait is he that Vampire general?

Lingino: I have never seen him before so he isn't a general.

Slyt: Then who is he?

Liligorna: Hahahaha... My name is Liligorna. And I am the GOD OF VAMPIRES

Lingino: What? I have never heard about you before.

The demihuman stepped next to Liligorna.

Demihuman: Well you destroyed the fun. Now then let us introduce ourselves.

Liligorna: Sorry I got carried away.

Demiris: My name is Demiris. and I am the God of Demihumans.

The dragonoid stepped next to him.

Srako: And my name is Srako. I am the God of Dragonoids

Magicalbeastonoid: Let's speed this up.

Wofy: Yeah I agree. Name is Wofy. God of Werewolves

Gík: name is Gík. God of Magicalbeastonoids

Don: May I ask why you came here?

Demiris: Do you remember what happened a few days ago?

Don: What are you talking about?

Demiris: "Jesus vs Gob"

Don: Yes...

Demiris: Jesus is one of the gods of Humanity.

Slyt: Wait. There are multiple gods for them?

Gík: Yes. they have two gods. They are the only species that have two gods.

Ilri: May I ask something?

Liligorna: Yes go ahead.

Ilri: I don't understand how this is an answer to our question.

Liligorna: Their gods are helping them out to gain more power. If a race controls 10 parts then the god(s) of that race are given tremendous power. In order to avoid that happening, we gods decided to join the war as well.

Slyt: Does that mean our Master is on the level of the gods?

Gík: Why do you ask?

Slyt: Because our Master killed Jesus.

Gík: Let's come back to this topic later.

Srako: Now that you have heard the story we will enter the city and prepare something.

The five gods left.

Drasika: Master will be fine, Right?

Don: I am sure.

In the distance, they noticed a red and blue thing. The object was moving very slowly. The girls and Don walked closer. The thing they saw was Ace. His armour was covered with blood. In his right hand, he was carrying Wenly who was in crucial condition. Her left ear was missing and the other had two injuries. Her eye was damaged and was probably blinded. She had hundreds of bruises and many broken bones. Ace had a few broken bones as well with extra wounds. In his left had Ace was carrying a cloth which was wrapped around something. As the girls noticed him they rushed to meet him. Don, on the other hand, rushed for healers. As the girls reached him they took Wenly from him. System looked at his face. It was covered with blood even thou his facial expression was devastated. Ace looked at System and gave her the clothing he was carrying. Then he fainted. The girls grabbed him and took him back to the capital. Healers reacted as they saw the two seriously injured people and they were taken to a house along with Sly, Ilri, Erli Drasik, System and Lingino. System was staring at the thing she was given. She put the object onto the table. Everybody stood around the table. System slowly opened the object.

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