Chapter 12

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As I pushed System off my head I could see that the others were sleeping on me. I decided to wait till they wake up so I lowered my head and was looking at the cracked ceiling. Soon I closed my eye and I felt something on my head yet again. I opened my eye and System was about to use my head as a pillow yet again.

Gob: WHY?? I am not a live sized pillow to sleep on...

I slowly closed my fist.

Gob: OK. I am done with this.

I lifted my right leg up then stomped it. I used the given momentum to stand up. Those who were sleeping on my arm and chest fell down. Ony System managed to stay on the top of my head. Everyone woke up except System. The other girls looked surprised. I decided to take a walk before going to the dimensional hole. As I reached the door System was too long to go through the door so she hit the wall then fell down. I heard a groan as I walked away.

System: Ouch.

As I got to the front door I saw a bag next to it. I opened it and it contained clothes for us. I took the ones which were tiny to the girls and the only I equipped the only big one. I got a white shirt and light brown trousers and a white mask. As I got ready I heard quick footsteps from the bedroom. The girls were running in their new dress. System had a white T-shirt with grey shorts. Wenly had a brown T-shirt with orange shorts. Slyt had a blue T-shirt with yellow shorts. Ilri had a light green T-shirt with light blue shorts. And last but not least Erli had a blue T-shirt with light green shorts.

Ilri: Master, are you angry?

Erli: Master you seem concerned, what happened?

Sylt: Do you hate us because of sleeping next to you.

Gob: Well someone DID use my head as a pillow.

System: Well... That... I know you liked it, did you not?

Gob: Why would someone like being used as a pillow?

System: Aw come one Master. Having five cute girls sleeping on you... Not many people are able to accomplish such a thing.

Gob: Back in my old world I used to dream about something like that but not with such young girls.

System: Master I have to correct you.

Gob: What?

System: It seems you didn't go deep into their stats.

Gob: I am not that kind of person who has the power to read into others personal data and read into it. Everyone has their own privacy and I respect that.

System: Ok then. Girls are you willing to tell your ages to our master?

Gob: Judging by your smile you are going to say that they are the same age as me or older.

System: Well... It seems you catch really fast.

Gob: Then tell me something. HOW is it even possible to be around 18 and have the body of an 8-9 years old kid?

System: Biology. Humans have the shortest life expectancy. The second shortness is about twice as long. Having a longer life means slower body growth

Gob: Tell me you are pulling my leg.

Wenly: Master she is telling the truth.

Ilri: Master, why did you no read our personal data? That is your right to do so.

Gob: As I already told you. I came from a different world. We had laws that we must obey. And on top of that, I don't feel like reading one's information.

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