Chapter 5 : Ecstasy

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Author POV

The only things that filled Jungkook mind along the way to his office is how different his Jimin is. His Jimin used to be free spirited and doesn't care about anybody else except himself. Jimin used to be playful, happy and love to tease others. He also used to flirt around when Jungkook is not around and he just laugh it off if Jungkook found out.

But now Jimin seems more reserved. Jimin is more cautious around others and he doesn't like to be tease of what he doesn't do. His eyes are full of sorrow and pain. He seems completely different in Jungkook eyes. But the new Jimin makes Jungkook heart fluttered. It's a new feeling.

It is true that Jungkook like Jimin since before but the feeling is not as strong as now. If before he can leave Jimin playing and teasing around with other people freely, now he can't seem to do that. Even a little touch from other man makes him angry. It is a new feeling that he never felt before.

What is wrong with me. The thought filled his mind all day long and he can't concentrate on his work at all.

When Jungkook was about to go home, he saw Jimin is still working in his office. Jungkook thought about leaving Jimin to go home alone but he just can't.

"Let's go home." Jungkook said once he entered Jimin's room. Of course, Jimin being the clumsy one almost jumps up the chair because of the shock.

"But... but my work hasn't done yet for today." Jimin said and continue to do his work.

"Do it tomorrow. It's late already. Let's go." Jungkook said and walk outside of the room without waiting for Jimin's answer.

Always want me to follow his command. Does he think I am his slave or something? Urgh...

Jimin mumbled silently and followed behind Jungkook.


"What are you doing?" Jungkook asked Jimin once he get out of the bathroom and go to the kitchen to grab some drink.

"I am making dinner because I am hungry." Jimin answered and ignored Jungkook who's walking towards the refrigerator looking for a drink.

"Do you want dinner too?" Jimin asked again since Jungkook is still there in the kitchen as if waiting for something.

Jungkook just ignored Jimin's question and sit at the table waiting for Jimin to finish cooking.

Once they finished eating, Jimin grabs something from the refrigerator. It is a dessert that he makes while waiting for Jungkook to finish taking a bath.

At that time Jungkook was about to get up but stopped once he smells something's delicious and sweet coming from Jimin's direction.

"What is that?" Jungkook asked Jimin when he saw Jimin come with a dessert on his hand.

"I haven't given it a name yet. This is my first time making it." Jimin answered shyly and put it on the table.

"Are you kidding me. Since when did you learn to cook and bake?" Jungkook asked curiously because he once saw Jimin try to make sandwich but ended up with a burn bread.

"Uhm, I took cooking classes during the weekend when I'm still in the university learning accountancy." Jimin answered shyly.

"Try it." Jimin said and give the spoon to Jungkook.

Once Jungkook try it, it makes him impressed because it tastes so good. It isn't too sweet but it suits his taste very well. Jungkook moan a little when he tastes the dessert and it make Jimin smile watching him.

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