Chapter 13 : Attraction

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Here is another update. Yeah... I know I am ignoring my real work but who cares. I will do what I want... Lol... Please enjoy...


Author POV

"Jimin, pack your luggage. There is somewhere we need to go." Jungkook said as soon as he gets inside the bedroom.

"What?" Jimin looks at Jungkook in disbelieved.

"Our flight is in two hours, so hurry up." Jungkook was about to walk outside when Jimin tug his shirt making him turned to look at Jimin.

"Where are we going?" Jimin asked curiously because it is such short notice.

"You will know later. Now get your lazy ass up and get moving. I'll wait downstairs." Jungkook said and left Jimin wondering about where they are going to go urgently.

"I am not a lazy ass..." Jimin said irritate before he walked to Jaemin's room after Jungkook already walks downstairs.

"Jae... I am sorry but I need to go somewhere with Jungkook and it might take a while." Jimin said as he sits beside the bed looking at Jaemin worriedly. He doesn't want to leave Jaemin alone. Not after they just meet again but this is the only way to take Jungkook away from Jaemin.

"It's okay. You can go. I will wait for you." Jaemin said and take Jimin in his embrace.

"Don't leave me again, okay? I love you." Jimin said and snuggle deeper into Jaemin embraced.

"I won't. I promise. I love you too." Jaemin smiles looking at Jimin. He felt complete with Jimin around.

"I got to go and pack. The flight is in two hours." Jimin said and stand up to walk out.

"I will help you," Jaemin said with a smirk obvious on his face.

"Sure." Jimin just smiles because he gets to spend more time with his twin not realizing those smirked plastered on his twin face.

After arguing with Jaemin about his clothes, Jimin finally decided to go downstairs and left Jaemin with his suitcase. He decided to cook some food to fill their stomach before going for the trip.

"Why aren't you packing?" Jungkook asked once he saw Jimin walking down.

"Someone's packing for me. Want to eat something before leaving?" Jimin asked while walking to the kitchen.

"Sure," Jungkook said and followed Jimin to the kitchen.

"You know, I can never get enough seeing you in the kitchen, cooking for me," Jungkook said after a long silence, looking at Jimin moving smoothly while cooking. He is mesmerized by Jimin's beauty.

Jimin just smiles at him while preparing the table. "Uhm... can you tell me where we are going?" Jimin asked once he sits down.

"Seattle," Jungkook answered nonchalantly and continued eating.

Jimin sits still because he didn't expect to go there after what had happened between Jungkook and Jaemin but it isn't a bad idea because he really did want to explore other countries as he wants to expand his bakery business. Jimin silently hopes that nothing bad will happened over there.

"What are you thinking about?" Jungkook finally asked once he realized Jimin isn't eating his food anymore.

"Nothing. I am just excited. Never been there before." Jimin said and continue eating.

"Really?" Jungkook asked again, wanting to see if Jimin is just lying to him or he really didn't remember about Seattle. He is disappointed when he saw nothing. Is it that unimportant for you that you forget everything about us Jimin? Jungkook thought.

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