Chapter 8 : Truth

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"Yugyeom-shi. Can you tell me what happened to Jungkook because he seems in pain? I can't bear seeing him like that. Please" Jimin said and stare deeply inside Yugyeom eyes.

"I..." Yugyeom was about to declined but he can't when he sees those eyes. It is full with sincerity.


"Okay... Where should I start?" Yugyeom finally said after a few moments of thinking.

"Uhm... I don't know. Up to you." Jimin said and lean towards Yugyeom and give his full attention to Yugyeom.

"Okay. Let's start with when Jungkook meet his previous partner." Yugyeom said.

"Sure. I want to know how his ex-partner used to be like." Jimin said and flash a fake smile. Only god know how hurt he is hearing about Jungkook with another person.

"Jungkook met him when Jungkook was in the marine. Jungkook got two-month break from his job because of his excellent work. Then he decided to take a vacation at the beach in Seattle."

"Seattle?" Jimin asked since he has heard of the city but never been there. He would love to go there if he had enough saving since it is such a huge city and Jimin want to expend his own business over there.

"Yup. Have you been there before?" Yugyeom asked curiously because that's where Jungkook met Jimin for the first time.

"Nope. I've been struggling with my university life in Seoul until my father decided that I need to get married immediately once I finished my studies." Jimin answered truthfully.

Yugyeom mind then wonder if he needs to continue his story since Jimin is completely a different person than the one they know before.

"What are you thinking about? Please continue. I want to know more about Jungkook." Jimin said and pout a little. It makes Yugyeom felt like pinching Jimin's cheeks. Jimin is so cute.

"Okay...Okay... Jungkook met him and immediately felt attraction towards him because he is the most attractive person that Jungkook have ever met. Then, they started spending time together, in bed. Well... You know what happened when they are in bed together." Yugyeom said and wait for Jimin's reaction.

"Y... Yes... I know. I just... Uhm... It's nothing. Please continue." Jimin finally said once his heart calm again.

"Jungkook just enjoy his life being with him and once his two months of vacation was about to end, Jungkook decided to propose to him. So Jungkook take him to a dinner and proposed." Yugyeom stop for a while when he sees that Jimin needs time to accept his words. Proposing isn't a small matter so it must have shocked him.

"That night, he didn't accept Jungkook proposal and asked for time but after one week, Jungkook woke up and saw that he is gone. Disappeared just like that with all Jungkook's money and he didn't even say goodbye." Yugyeom continue and saw tears fall down Jimin's eyes.

"Why are you crying?" Yugyeom asked.

When Yugyeom asked, Jimin finally realized that he is actually crying. "I... I don't know. It just... It must have been hard for Jungkook after everything they have shared together." Jimin said and look at his hand. He felt sad.

"Don't cry. It is not your fault." Yugyeom tried to give some comfort for Jimin.

"I know...It's just... It's okay...I'm okay. That's not all that happened right? Because it seems like there have been something else that involved me." Jimin said and look at Yugyeom again.

"You are right. Jungkook's been heartbroken when he started his work. But when he saw that man again, everything seems to disappeared, he felt that longing for his love again." Yugyeom said and saw straight at Jimin.

"What do you mean? Did they meet again? Does something happened when they meet again?" Jimin asked curiously. He wants to know everything.

"Yes. Something did happen when he is on one of his mission." Yugyeom said and once again stared at Jimin.

"What happened?" Jimin asked again.

"He met you." – Yugyeom

"What do you mean?" Jimin asked curiously.

"That night, his mission is to save the college's students who's been kidnapped and was about to be sell outside of country." Yugyeom explained.

"It's me?" Jimin asked incredulously. Of course, it is me. Who else? Jimin scolded himself.

"Yes. Hasn't it crossed your mind why he only sends you home? Not the others?" Yugyeom asked when Jimin seems lost.

"Why?" Jimin asked and raised his eyebrow a little. He is curious.

"Jungkook thought that you are his ex-lover." Yugyeom state the obvious.

"But why?" This make Jimin more confused.

"Your face and your name. It's the same." Yugyeom said seriously.

"What? That can't be. But how? Why me? I mean, it can't be." Jimin said confusedly.

"That's actually the question that I want to asked you. Why does you and him are so similar but actually a different person?" Yugyeom finally asked.

"I... I don't know." Jimin said, unsure with his own answer.

"But now that I meet you, I can see that you are different than him." Yugyeom said and smile at Jimin.

"What do you mean?" Jimin asked again.

"He was wild, love to party, like teasing others and he also rude with elders. But you are different. You are more matured, polite, kind and sweet. It's like you guys are twins that is totally different with each other. But there is something that's similar. Your clumsiness. It's the same." Yugyeom explained and smile at Jimin. Remembering how sweet Jimin is.

"So that's why he's been talking about revenge." Jimin said slowly and now he realized something.

"Yugyeom-shi, can you promise me something?" Jimin asked.

"I will try my best if I can." Yugyeom said and look serious again.

"Please don't tell Jungkook that I know about his past." Jimin said urgently.

"Why?" Yugyeom asked again.

"I just... I need to find out the truth. I want to tell him myself." Jimin said.

"I don't know what truth that you want to find out but, I also think that it's better if you tell him yourself." Yugyeom said and make Jimin felt relieved.

"Thanks. I... I need to go. I am sorry but, I need to go." Jimin said and walked away. He needs to go home and find the truth from his father.

Yugyeom was left dumbfounded but he decided to let Jimin solved their relationship issues.

When Jimin reached home, he packed his clothes and bought the earliest flight ticket for home. He needs to meet his father at all cost.

Actually, Jimin has been getting weird dreams since he is in college. He always dreams about himself being drunk and playing around. Jimin felt weird at first, so he decided to consult with a doctor. But the doctor said that it usually only happened if the person who's dreaming has a twin that's still alive.

Jimin know that he had a twin, but his father said that his twin was dead. That's why Jimin decided to ignore the dreams. Because he believed that his father is telling him the truth.

But now that he heard there is someone else out there who's being using his name and have the same face as him, he felt curious to know. His twin might be alive and he need to find out about it. The fastest way to find out is by asking his father directly.


Ahahahahahah ... The truth behind Jungkook past and Jimin's life. Most of you must have expected this right. But still, hope you like it. In the next chapter, there will be more truth to be exposed. Be prepared.

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Love : littleChimny 😊

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