Chapter 19 : Secretive

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The video above isn't related to the story, but I just want you guys to see because it makes me cry all throughout the video.

Btw, another update... Please ignore the grammatical error if there is any because I didn't reread it.... Hehe...


Author POV

Waking up to the worst headache was not the worst of it because remembering everything that happened before he faints make him hurt the hardest. Jungkook stands up abruptly making him dizzy and he calls the best private investigator to look for Jimin whereabout and he hopes this time, he would get answers immediately because he can't imagine his life without Jimin.

But his hope is being crushed like a broken glass because they can't track the love of his life as fast as he needs.

It's been 15 days since Jimin's disappearance and finally, he got a call from his private investigator but only to make him depressed knowing that Jimin might not be in the country anymore. And now he needs to wait again until he got to meet Jimin. It is torture for him.

Jungkook has been working like crazy, trying to forget about Jimin even for a little bit but he ended up scolding his employer for even the tiniest mistake because Jimin wasn't there to soothe him from his misery.

It's almost a month and Jungkook has been drowning himself with alcohol because living without Jimin is eating him inside. He looks everywhere that he thought Jimin would be, his hometown, his friend's house, even every beach in the country but Jimin wasn't there.

Jungkook woke up with a headache, hearing his phone ringing non-stop while having a hangover isn't a nice choice. He picks up the phone and about to scold whoever the person is but he becomes stiff once he heard what the other person is talking about.

"I found Jeon Jimin, sir. He is in Seattle."

That's all it took for Jungkook to think straight again.

"Send me his location." That's all Jungkook said before he calls his secretary to book the earliest flight ticket to Seattle.

I would never let you go again Jimin. I will do anything for you as long as you come back to me. That's the last thought Jungkook had before he gets ready for his flight.

In Seattle

"What should I do?" Jimin asked himself while laying on the sand beside the beach. His hand slowly moves to his stomach and he rubs it in a circle.

Looking at the sky, he remembers about Jungkook. His smile, his smirk, his face, his moles, everything about Jungkook makes him smile. Even though it's been a month, his heart is still beating for Jungkook.

He knows one day he needs to be happy for Jungkook with his choice even without him but he can't help feeling hurt knowing Jungkook would never love him back.

"Minnie... Here's your water." Taemin's voice makes Jimin come back to reality where Jungkook isn't there with him.

"Thanks' Taemin Hyung." Jimin took the water and smile at Taemin. Taemin is the person that he got to know because of a coincidence. It's more like Taemin caught him crying alone and he comes to comfort him. Since then, they have become closer and spend a lot of time with each other.

"Hmm... What will you do after this?" Taemin finally asked the question that has been weighing his mind since he heard about Jimin's condition.

"Honestly... I-I don't know y-yet. I-I am not ready for w-whatever it is to come, Hyung..." Jimin whined and hug Taemin, seeking comfort from him.

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