Chapter 16: Twin?

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Another update ... Please ignore the grammatical error if there is any.



Author POV

Jimin arrived at the company early in the evening because he was in his hometown and it took a long way to meet Jungkook at the office on road. But the long journey makes his mind clearer and he had already made his mind to continue his life in his own way in the future.

Arriving at the company, Jimin walks into the entrance confidently and he walks to the elevator ignoring everybody's glance at him as if he is a ghost that isn't supposed to be there.

Meanwhile, Jungkook is in his office doing his job, and once he cleared all of the files that's been stuck on his desk did he realized that there is a file from his private investigator about Jimin. He is contemplating either to ignore the file or read it but he decided to ignore it instead of feeling the betrayal once again.

Jungkook finally able to take a rest after a long work for the day and he hasn't even got lunch yet. He was about to call his secretary to order some food for him when he heard the commotion outside of his office.

His office door suddenly burst open revealing Jimin in all his glory making Jungkook gasps and shock at the same time.

"Jimin?" Jungkook asked in disbelief and at the same time want to make sure that he isn't dreaming or anything because Jimin has been occupying his mind for the past few days making him felt like he is almost crazy.

"We need to talk," Jimin said straightforwardly, doesn't want to waste any time in Jungkook's presence because it might make his resolve crumbled into pieces.

"I am sorry Mr. Jeon. He insisted to come inside." Jungkook's secretary finally speaks up and Jungkook just realized that he isn't alone with Jimin in his office.

"It's okay, you can go," Jungkook said and dismissed his secretary.

"I thought I have left a note before I leave," Jungkook said sarcastically, trying to block all the imagination that's trying to come into his mind with just Jimin and him in the office.

"You did. Now it's my turn to speak my mind." Jimin said trying hard to block his sadness from surfacing especially in front of Jungkook.

"What else do you want to say. Haven't you lied enough." Jungkook said with venom in his voice. He is pissed because no matter how hard he wants to hurt Jimin, his heart also felt hurt just the same.

Jimin just stare at Jungkook, trying to control his emotion. He needs to stay calm and collected in this situation because he doesn't want to make anything that will make him regret later.

Jimin just walk towards Jungkook and sit on the chair in front of him and put the envelope containing their divorce paper on the table.

"So, it is because of the divorce. Why? You don't want to get a divorce because you need my money, huh?" Jungkook said angrily and staring hard at Jimin.

"It's not that. I have sign it on the way here." Jimin said and look outside of the office. Trying to find the right word to tell everything to Jungkook.

What Jimin didn't know is how hurtful his word has been for Jungkook. Hearing that Jimin had sign the divorce paper make Jungkook lost his breath for a moment making him stare blankly at Jimin, waiting for Jimin next words.

"I have lived all my life to be a perfect son for my father. Following everything he said, studying the course that he chooses, having friend that he approved of." Jimin said in a calm voice as if reminiscing his old self.

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