Chapter 1: The Trade

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**warning!! If you like REALLY hate Boah/ Neth theeen dont read this...**

Beth's POV

I walk up to where Dawn and some cops are with Carol in the wheelchair I'm pushing. We stop and wait. I look through the door window and see Rick and the group. I instantly feel so happy. 1. Noah is with them. 2. I havent seen them in what feels like forever!! Everyone lowers their weapons and the cops clear the way for us to go in front next to Dawn.

Dawn and Officer Shepherd talk about a cop that died then the trade finally starts.

"One of mine for one of yours." She says to Rick.

He nods and motions for Daryl to hand over one of the cops. He takes the male cop and he goes back to everyone with carol. Dawn grabs me by the arm and she brings me to the center where Rick had officer shepherd. We make the trade and I walk over and I stand next to Noah.

"Im glad we could work this out." Dawn says.

Rick just replies with "Yeah." And we all start to walk out until Dawn stops us by saying "Now I just need Noah." Um what did she just say? No way. We all turn back around to face Dawn.

Rick shakes his head "That wasnt part of the deal."

Dawn says "Noah was my ward, Beth took his place. Now that she's leaving i need him back."

Noah looks at Rick "i-its okay."

"Its not okay.." I add.

Rick doesnt like that "no. No."

"He was mine first. You have no claim on him." Dawn says.

"The boy wants to go home, you have no claim on him." Rick explains.

Noah hands over his gun to Rick. "Really its okay.." Noah says.


Rick takes it and sighs.

Noah starts walking over to Dawns side...

"Wait" i walk over to him and i hug him. I tear up. He couldnt just leave..

"Its okay..." He practically whispers in my ear.

"I knew youd be back" dawn said, looking at me hugging Noah. I stare at her, letting go of Noah. He walks to the cops and I walk and stand right in front of Dawn.

"I get it now..." I stab her with scissors and everything goes black.

Daryls POV

Dawn shoots Beth in the gut and i instantly take out my gun. Dawn tried to say it wasnt her but i still shot her in the forehead. Beth had fallen unconscious but i could see her breathing. An all out gun war was about to start but an officer held up her arms, as if blocking everyone.

"Stop! Hold your fire! It was just about her! Its over..." She says. Everyone but me lowers their weapons. I keep mine held up and I feel Carol's trembling hand on my shoulder. I lower my gun and look down at Beth. I have tears streaming down my face.

Beth's POV
Everything is dark... Where am i?... Where is everyone??? Is that... Is that daddy??? DADDY!!

Rick's POV

"You can stay. We're all surviving here..." One of the doctors say. I shake my head. "No. We're leaving.." Daryl picks up Beth and we all walk out.


Maggie's POV

I walk out with Glenn, Tara, Rosita, Abraham, and Eugene. We walk towards the hospital and I have a huge smile on my face. I cant wait to finally see Beth again! Last time i saw her was when the prison fell... It feels like so long ago... I look up and see everyone walking out. Last comes out Daryl... With MY sister, limp in his arms. I fall... I burst into tears. Glenn comes down with me. I sob until I finally really look at Beth.. Her chest, is rising and falling... Oh my Gosh... "B-Beth... Sh-shes alive...!" I choke out.

Daryl's POV

Maggie says Beth is alive and i look down at the blonde. She is clearly breathing.. Not well but, shes breathing.. We can save her. I see her eyes move...

Beth's POV

I let my eyes flicker open. And i squint at the sudden light. I can make out a man... Daryl. "I...i-i can stand..." I say. He nods and lets me down. I look at Maggie. She hugs me extremely tight and we both start crying tears of joy. I cant believe shes right here! We finally break the hug and wipe our tears. Im awake... Im alive.... Im a survivor...

*YELLOW PPL!! Idk when ill be posting or if ill do a giant series on this but knowing me i probably will. Anyway my Instagram is @solidtwd1 and if u wanna kik me its @The_Sonya_Blade )

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