Chapter 11: Giving in

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*Hey Hey Hey! More cutting/ suicide shit goin on in this chapter... Just a warning 😂*

Beth's POV

Morning approaches and I'm still sitting on the porch, waiting for Noah to wake up. I stare at the cloudy sky and think about Maggie... Daddy... Jimmy, Otis, Zach. Patricia... Lori. I sigh. I think about what had happened at Grady. Gorman.. Ugh Gorman. Im glad he's dead. He deserved it.. That disgusting perv.

My thoughts get interrupted when I hear the door open. I look over and see a sleepy Noah sitting down in a chair.
"Hey Beth." He greets, rubbing his eyes.

"Hey" I reply with a small smile. "Get enough sleep?" I ask him. He nods.

Noah looks at me "You okay? You've been crying."

I put my hand on my cheek. Its wet. Weird, I dont remember crying. "Oh I'm fine. I didnt realize I was crying I guess... As weird as that sounds."

Noah sighs "Beth, whats goin on. You can tell me..."

I clutch my journal that had been laying next to me. I had written every thought about suicide and if he reads it.... Im done. "N-Nothing's wrong Noah. Im okay." I lie.

Noah doesn't buy it this time. "Beth.. Cmon... Please. Im worried about you."

Noah's POV

Beth looks at me with sad eyes.
"I-I'm just.. Tired.. I miss Maggie. Thats all, I promise." She says, holding her green journal closer to her.

I sigh "Okay" I dont buy it but she wont tell me... Maybe whats really going on is in her journal...

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