Chapter 8: Home...

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*yellow mah bffls not rly i dont know u XD*

Rick's POV

I had gathered everyone in the living room.. Or what seems to be a living room. I walk in and sigh "Okay. The plan for today is to find a better place to stay. This house is pretty small and since Glenn died of the illness, its possible someone else could catch it if we stay." I tell everyone. There were some mumbling and nodding. "Alright. Lets go." I say.

Beth's POV

Running again huh Rick? Ugh why cant we ever just find a place where we dont have to worry.. Where we can be safe. Ugh, who am i kiddin? We're never going to be safe. Maybe temporarily, like the farm and the prison. But never permanently. A permanent home would be death. Peace. No more walkers. No more people like the Governor. No more death. No more pain, worry, fear..... Death doesnt sound so bad....

Noah put his hand on my shoulder and i jump a little.

"Sorry. Must've zoned out.." I say. He nods and we walk in our room to get our stuff to go.

"Lets go guys!" Rick calls everyone.

Noah and I leave the room. Rick walks out next to Carl who was holding Judith. Then Daryl and Carol. Tyreese and Sasha. Michonne and Tara. Abraham, Eugene, and Rosita. Then Noah and I walk out. I look down as i walk. Right now i really miss the farm.. I just want to be home...

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